My Mistake, pt. 1

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Levi's pov:

I knew that I had messed up as soon as the words left my mouth.

"Tch! That whole trip was a mistake. I would never have let you join the Levisquad if I had known who you were. You're as much of a monster as your dad!"

The eyes that were full of laughter and trust earlier today, were now full of hurt and betrayal. And when those words left my mouth, I saw something in him break. Emotions had swirled in his beautiful cyan orbs, then disappeared.

Everything else had happened in a blur. I let my anger take over and then, the damage was done. He told us everything, well, not everything. Petra was the closest to Eren and she could see something we couldn't.

When I had grabbed him in hopes of him telling us the rest, I had been placed in a familiar situation. This was the second time he's put me at knife point, but I wasn't scared.

Now that I thought about it, he's never laid hands on anyone and when I went to talk to him after he knocked Grisha out, he didn't seem pleased. He said Grisha stabbed him, yet he wasn't happy about knocking him out.

He avoided zombies and people, but joined us when Erwin asked. Yeah we only knew his name, but he wasn't a threat to us. He could have killed us while we slept if he wanted to, but he didn't. That's why Erwin trusted him...

And neither Erwin or I could really judge him for killing. We were trained killers. I couldn't even recall how many I've killed while in the field and yet, here I was, throwing the words monster and killer at him.

The walk back to camp had been tense and silent. Armin and Mikasa were waiting outside for us and they instantly noticed that Eren wasn't with us. They'd probably seen him run after us with his bag and wondered what was going on.

One look into my eyes and Mikasa could guess at what happened. I'm guessing, as Eren's childhood friends, they knew about Grisha being Eren's father, but they never said anything either. Maybe they really just didn't see why it'd matter.

Eren seemed confused at why we were so upset with him about it. We knew we were overreacting, but we had to be sure. Grisha is a dangerous man and Eren had been working with him. How could we trust that he wasn't just acting this whole time?

No... That's just an excuse. The others had realized and even I had, but I continued to push him. Petra seemed to think there was more to it and I know her enough to know that she isn't one to just guess.

After Mikasa had inferred what happened, she had rushed me and tackled me before I had time to react. I had never seen her so furious nor had I seen her harm a superior, but she was doing both. When the others went to get her off me, I halted them with my hand.

Armin placed his hand on her shoulder and I saw her eyes soften, then she was off me. The friendship between those three rivaled our own and I felt instant guilt for pushing Eren away from them.

"Where is Eren, Levi? We saw him rush out with his bag, so we followed you, but we were too far to hear what was said..." Armin says while shuffling his feet.

"Oh, I heard plenty! You called our friend a monster and looked at him like he was filth on the bottom of your feet. All of you are to blame, but Levi is the most to blame! You guys tried to fix it, but you!..." Mikasa yells, pointing a shaking finger at me.

The guilt was crashing over me in waves, because she was right... The others, Erwin. They realized that they didn't have all the information, but I was too blinded by anger and fear to notice.

Not fear of Eren's past, but fear of what could happen if I let him any closer. It was selfish and wrong, but I did it anyway. I couldn't deny that I had taken a liking to the feisty brunette and Petra knew it. That's why we quit sleeping together, in the first place.

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