Up to Speed

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Once I was settled, Mikasa and Armin set to work at getting me up to speed on what I'd missed. After Mikasa ran away, she ended up living with Armin and his old man. I'm glad she was safe, even if I missed her greatly.

Apparently, Armin and her had stumbled upon this place when there was only five people and then it just kept expanding. A safe place with other people and plenty of resources... I really don't see the appeal(Note my extremely evident sarcasm). I asked Armin about his old man but when I saw the haunted look in his eyes, I quickly changed the subject.

I told Armin about my time on my own and all the traveling I'd done. Most of our childhood, his old man had told us about his travels while he was a minister. Like his old man, Armin wanted to travel the world and I promised to be by his side. Well, I did until dad forced me to stay away from my friend and his "ideals".

"Did Erwin explains how ranking works here?," when I shook my head Mikasa continued, "There are four squads, decided based on skill and age. Squad A, our squad, is young adults and teens. Squad B, is the children and older people. Then, Squad C is the remaining adults."

"What's the fourth squad, then?" I ask.

"Oh yeah! The fourth squad is the elites with the most zombie kills under their belts. They are our supply runners, as well. Every squad has a Captain and a Commander, but their group even outranks them. Erwin is the commander of his squad, but he also commands the others too. Same with the Captain of the elites." Armin states excitedly.

Geez, with the pep in his step, he is like a walking energy drink. Oh how I miss energy drinks... Maybe I can get that elite squad to look out for some on their next run. I know it's not super important, but it's worth a shot.

Wait, I've met my comrades and Captain Crazy Lady, but what about our Commander? Who are they? I hope they aren't as loud as the Captain. I honestly don't think my ears could handle two obnoxious people.

"Hey guys, who's our Commander?"

With the reactions I got from Mikasa and Armin, I didn't know what to feel. Why were they looking at me with pity and anger? Did I say something wrong? I look up when Armin clears his throat and shuffled awkwardly.

"Well... Eren there's something we gotta tell you.. The Commander—"

"Well hello there, new recruit! Why don't you and I go on a tour and I'll give you the jist of life with us, hmm?"

My whole body tenses to the point of almost snapping when I hear that disgustingly fake voice with the southern drawl I know so well. Standing up stiffly, a million thoughts of how I could kill him before anyone could stop me run through my head. Yes, a million! I can get VERY creative...

"Commander, we were just about to take him on a tour, so you really don't have to." Armin says quietly.

"No need, Armin. It's the Commander's job to show any new recruit the ropes. We'll be on our way." And with that, he grips my wrist tightly and drags me off.

Once we're far enough away from the others, I yank my wrist from his disgusting hold. I thought he'd be zombie fodder for sure, or at least a corpse shambling around. Why did he, of all people, have to survive? By now you've probably figured out what's going on, but I'll tell ya anyway.

I turn around and look at the man who raised me, who tortured me, who broke me. His greasy brown hair fell limply at his shoulders and those eyes that always burned with rage glared menacingly at me. His muscular build and calloused hands. The same hands that had broke my fingers a few years earlier.

"Hello Eren. Long time, no see..."

"Yeah, I left as soon as I turned eighteen. Wish it could have happened sooner, though." I said in a voice devoid of all emotions.

Zombie Fodder(Riren/Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now