One Final Test

449 21 36

(AN: This chapter has smut, so be sure to grab some tissues in case you get a nosebleed. Enjoy! 😉)

I have been in the Levisquad for a month or so now. It has been weeks since the incident at the cabin. I hadn't forgotten, but I wasn't going to be petty either. We were a team, regardless.

Petra and I were currently sitting on the rock at the lake. Yep, the same rock Armin and I got high on. Weed Rock. Speaking of, that's what we were talking about. She was smoking one of my menthols and listening to the story.

"He was a giggling mess and ate a whole family-sized bag of chips by himself. I don't know how he didn't puke. Then, he fell asleep and left me to deal with a grumpy Levi. It was so hard to keep a straight face when he gave that bored look, you know this one?" I said, trying to imitate the face he makes.

She bursts out laughing and starts choking on smoke, making us both laugh more. I throw her my water bottle and she takes a few gulps, still chuckling. Petra and I had gotten closer over the last couple weeks.

She kept a close eye on me and would always help me when I was at my lows. I even introduced her to Armin and Mikasa, who both loved her bubbly personality. Armin and her were like twins when it came down to personality.

"So... So you're telling me... That Armin was hella high in your arms and Levi and Erwin saw?" When I nodded she continued, "Ain't no way Erwin didn't get a kick out of that. Bet Armin would've been a blubbering mess if he was awake!" she says before busting out laughing again.

I'm quick to join her and then we're rolling around, holding our aching stomachs. It felt nice to laugh again. Her laugh was so airy and soft that it made me smile even when it was hard.

"What's so funny?" Levi asks in a bored tone.

I look at Petra and mimic Levi's bored face, making us both cackle and hold on to each other. Looking at Levi, I see his eye twitch, a clear sign he was getting irritated. Oh, no. Last time he did the eye twitch, Petra and I had to run laps all day.

Levi is a cruel Captain, truly. Even with my great endurance, I was exhausted and close to puking. A shiver runs through my body at the memory and I elbow Petra, giving her the 'shut up you fucking twat' look. Levi looks at both of our scared faces and sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"If you're done acting like idiots, I have jobs for you. Petra, the others are training the other squads right now, so go join them. Brat, you have one more task before you become an official member of the Levisquad."

I look at Petra with wide eyes that screamed help, but she just grinned and winked at me. Well, that was so helpful. Thanks a bunch, Petra! She runs off, while I'm dragged farther into the forest by a certain, cranky Captain.

He's been more tense than usual lately, especially around me. Since the trip, I haven't heard Petra and him have sex, so that's probably why. He did say it was his way of relieving stress.

Petra has been practically attached to my hip and I get it. Without Levi's touch, she was starting to get lonely, so I tried to give her as much attention as I could. Did they break it off because of what I said to Levi that night?

Shaking my head, I try to physically shake the thoughts of him from my mind. He had taken up residence in my thoughts and now he wouldn't leave. I was starting to feel like a hormonal teenager, a stage I was lucky to miss when going through puberty.

But I couldn't stop thinking about him and what it would be like to be in Petra's place. Having his hands all over me, no clothes separating us. This coming from the virgin who hasn't even had their first kiss, and I oop.

Zombie Fodder(Riren/Ereri)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن