What's the Plan, Stan?

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(AN: I hate having to put this every time there's smut, but here it is. Just a reminder.. This is rated Mature(+18). So yeah, there's some smut in the chappie.)

I wake up with a start and almost hit Levi with a flying knife when he shuts the door. He ducks and looks up at the knife embedded in the wall where his head was.

"I'm sorry... Old habits die hard. 'S it time to plan?" I ask with a yawn.

He blinks at me a few times and then starts chuckling. Did you guys hear me say anything funny? No, just him..

"That is the fourth time I've been at the mercy of that fucking knife, brat! What habit could make you react like THAT?!"

I get up and rip my knife from the wall, pocket it, and turn to face him. He's laughing at something he doesn't understand. How typical!

"Saaahhhrry... When you are sleeping in a forest full of people that want to kill you, you learn to be a light sleeper." I say sarcastically with a roll of my eyes.

His expression changes to one of guilt and I instantly feel bad. He didn't know, so I should've just let him laugh. His laughter is rare enough as it is.

"Levi.. I'm sorry, I'm just cranky."

"No, I get it. To answer your question from earlier, no we aren't planning today. Erwin wants to loot the town and you need at least a few days to recover."

"No! Everyday we spend here is a day they can swoop down and grab us! Also, did you forget about the people who attacked me?!" I ask hysterically, with my body trembling.

I feel arms pick me up and sit me on the bed. He kneels next to me and starts rubbing my thighs comfortingly. Not sexually, you horny fucks! Though.... I wouldn't mind if it went that way...

"Eren, calm down. We searched the whole town and there was no one else. And I WILL NOT let them get their disgusting hands on you or any of our friends! Got it!?" he asks lowly, voice thick with conviction.

My head nods of its own accord before I lay back on the bed. His warm hands move up my thighs and start massaging my sides. I can feel my body melt under his touch and my eyes grow heavy with sleep. How I can sleep for hours and still be tired is beyond me.

"I'm gonna strip you, okay?" he asks carefully.

I push up on my elbows and stare at him. Why is he being so cautious and careful around me? We've fucked, so why be shy now?

"Eren, this morning was proof enough that you still don't trust me... And I understand, so I'm just being careful." his head is staring at the ground as he speaks.

He saw that, this morning? It's true that I have my doubts, but I don't want him to think I have no trust in him... My heart warms at the gesture and his protective promise from earlier. Of course, I trust him.

I'm not someone who trusts easy, so it will always be difficult to trust. I do trust him, though. There is no doubt that he'd protect me with his life or keep any of my secrets. He is a trustworthy friend... Lover? What is he to me?

I lift Levi's downcast head, so he's looking at me. With him kneeling in front of me like that.... A shudder runs through me but I push it back. Not now.

"I don't trust very many people, but I can tell you for a fact that I do trust you. I'll always have my doubts, but I still trust you. Don't... Don't look like that, especially because of me."

His eyes are guarded and  red with unshed tears. He doesn't want to be in a vulnerable position around me. I get it, I do. Getting up, I head to the door and am about to leave when he stops me.

Zombie Fodder(Riren/Ereri)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora