Making Room for Growth

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"Let's go guys! We got some dead-heads to kill!" Levi yells loudly.

I groan and look out the dusty windows. Sure enough, morning light is just starting to appear. I didn't get any sleep because of those horn dogs waking me up. Let me explain something to you. Once I wake up, it is near impossible for me to fall back asleep.

After they had woke me up with their nasty noises, I had laid awake and thought about my past for the rest of the night. I'm tired as hell and if even one person approaches me, I'm going to snap. Exhaustion makes me act similarly to when I was going through caffeine withdraw, if you were wondering.

"Did you not hear me? Get up, brat!"

He makes the mistake of kicking me lightly with his foot and I grab it, making him fall to the floor. Getting up, I go sit next to his shocked form and glare at him. I get close to his ear and whisper in it.

"Next time you're going to fuck someone, please try to be quieter." I give him a dark look.

I'm going to need caffeine if I'm going to survive today. I wasn't an early riser before the apocalypse and I'm not now, either. Then I remembered the Red Bull. You better bet your ass I drank all four of those delicious, energy-packed cans.

A hum leaves my throat as I finish the last of the fourth can. I felt the liquid course through me, giving me the energy and the buzz I desperately needed. Was it healthy to drink four all at once and so quickly? No. Did my tired and cranky mind care? Also no.

"Jesus, kid! You're going to have a heart attack." Eld says, making me laugh.

If a heart attack kills me, I'd be surprised. I've survived too much to be lucky enough to die like that. Giving Eld a tired grin, I throw the empty cans away and get changed. I had given Erwin the stuff in my bag, except two books and the gun, so now it had room for more stuff.

Since we were going out anyway, I grabbed my duffle and met the group outside. Petra and Levi were talking and when Petra saw me approach, she blushed and started walking to catch up with the others. It seems they had already started walking that way. Levi walked after them with a smirk, so I figure he mentioned what I said to Petra.

I felt my knives warm my pockets and the familiar weight of the bat in my hands. This was the first time I'd gone out of my way to kill the undead. I wasn't afraid, it was just easier to avoid them and not waste time and energy.

We reached a small town after about fifteen minutes of walking. Now I see why they wanted to start clearing the zombies out. If the zombies somehow grouped up and made their way to the warehouse, we'd suffer many casualties.

"Okay, Petra, Oluo, clear the houses on the right. Gunther, Eld, clears the ones on the left. I'll take Eren farther into town to start clearing out the stores. Stay together and yell if you need help."

And with those orders, everyone broke off into their teams and got to work. They were like a joint-mind when it came to the task. I have a feeling that the orders were more for my benefit than theirs.

I kept pace behind Levi as we walked farther into town. This town seemed about the same size as mine, so there couldn't be more than a population of 300, at the most. But still, 300 zombies outnumbered us times ten. We reached this first set of stores and started going through each one.

It was kind of a routine. He'd knock on the door then I'd open it and back off, letting him take out any zombies that came through. I don't know how he expected to determine my skill against the zombies if he didn't let me kill them, but whatever the Captain wants.

We had finished the first row of stores and were moving on to the next, when the heavy smell of rot hit me, making me gag. Think of the worst smells you can then mix them together with a sickly sweet smell, as well. That's what it smelled like.

Zombie Fodder(Riren/Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now