One Last Game

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"Soooo... What's it gonna be, huh?"

That was a no-brainer. I'd been caught and my plan hadn't worked, so I'd rather die. I'm not going to help these fucking psychopaths in any way.

My voice was gravely and my glare icy when I faced Historia's father, "I will NEVER help you! Best just kill me now."

He laughed and nodded at one of the other approaching scientists. In the distance, I could see a big group of people headed our way. The smell of rot got closer and I closed my eyes, preparing myself to be torn apart.

"I think you'll want to hear me out, Eren. I know quite a lot about you and, though you care very little for yourself, you'd do anything for your loved ones." Historia's father grins.

He knows he's hit the nail on the head with the look of fear that crossed my face. No, no he didn't do what I think he did! Fear like nothing I've felt before spread through me. I wanted to cry, scream, attack, anything but watch this.

The zombies left my side to surround the group that had finally reached us. The group had a few scientists with those zombie control pads and then there were my friends. All of them unharmed, but surrounded by a hungry herd.

All of them are looking at me with shock and relief. Armin tried to run to me, but Levi holds him back with a hand on his shoulder. Levi doesn't break eye contact with me as he pushes Armin protectively behind him.

I could have kissed him for that action alone. He knows that it would kill me if anything happened to Armin or Mikasa. The zombies part so Historia can get through and stand between me and her father.

"What is this, father?! You said that you'd leave the others out of this. Eren and I were the only ones who were supposed to be taken." Historia says softly.

I wasn't surprised and I already figured as much. Historia was worrying her lip and staring at me with guilt, but I just gave a weak smile. I know, Historia, I trust you still..

"Did you really think Eren would willingly help without some convincing? Why do you think I picked these people to survive? I know each of them and it will be very entertaining seeing such a close-knit group fall apart." Historia's father says with a crazed look on his face.

Geez, I mean my father was downright awful, but this guy is worse. Whereas Grisha is cruel and calculated, this guy is insane and unpredictable. That is a very bad combination, but I expected nothing less of the creator of the forest games and the zombie virus.

Speak of the fucking devil.. Grisha appears from behind the group and goes to stand next to Historia's father. I'm sorry I keep referring to him as Historia's father, but I don't know or care to know his name. Sorry not sorry.

"Hello son, looking great. The look of fear and pain suites you." Grisha grins as he pats my head harshly.

Levi shifts and I shake my head at him. We're surrounded and they have the advantage, so we have no choice but to play along. As the Captain he knows that and I don't think he even meant to move. As my boyfriend he wants to defend me against harm, I get it.

"So... New deal. You agree to help us or... Your friends all die and turn. I'll make sure your little lover goes first, just for you!" Historia's father has his signature crazed grin.

What a lunatic..! But, do I really have a choice? What should I do? Would you rather just die and get it over with or fight for your friends?

With a sigh, I look at the crazy leader, "What would I have to do to 'help' you?"

"Oh, nothing much.. You just have to play one last game."

"Then, what? After I win the game."

"So cocky! Well, you have been a victor since you were, what, five?" I nod and he continues. "You win this new game and you and your friends are free to leave. I'll open the Sina gates myself. So, is that fair?"

Zombie Fodder(Riren/Ereri)Where stories live. Discover now