The court was silent, even Amara was surprised she said this much... She did not give her the vivid details. The people there stared at her with pity as her brothers watched and seethes in fury. Her mum weeps silently, Rosalia quickly wipes the tears that escaped her eyes.

"That is all for now your honour" she said moving back to her seat.

"The defendant may step forward" the clerk pronounced.

A averagely tall, lanky man stood up as he buttoned up his suit. He walked up to the jury introducing himself as the defendant of the accused. Amara watched him warily. He walks up to the witness box as Leah stares at him with caution because Amara has warned her about the cunning lawyer.

"Leah Martinez right?" She nods stiffly "can you again tell this honorable court about what you said my client did to you?"

"Have told this honorable court all i wish to say" she jibes back as Amara smirks. 'Smart girl' she mentally commends her knowing that he was trying to look for loopholes.

"Okay then.. " he said as he puts his left hand in his pocket, twirling a pen on his other hand. "What was your relationship with my client?"
He asked her as she stares at him, what as her relationship with him got to do with what is going on?!

"He was my best friend.. " she squeaks out.

"Was your best friend? So... It means you guys are really close am i right?" He questioned, as her eyes finally went to one area she was avoiding, she saw the likes of Jared and Nicholio who were giving her rapt attention. She skipped and ignored the one face who was silently praying and begging for her attention.

"Yes, we were close" she turns to stare at the blue eyed man in front of her.

"Did you by any time enter into a relationship with him?" He asks as he walks up and down, his eyes scrutinizing.

"No... Never" he nods.

"And did he by anytime ask you out or tell you he will like to 'court' you?" Amara dropped the paper she was reading on the desk in front of her as she narrows her eyes on the snake in front of her. Leah went quiet for some time as the people awaited her reply.

"Yes... Yes he did" there was murmur in the court as the judge ordered silence.

"Ummm... So what was your reply?"

"I told him i wasn't interested"

"Are you_"

"Objection your Honor! I don't see what these questions as to do with the issue" Amara quickly fired back on her feet.

"Objection sustained, please defendant... Go straight to the point."

"Thank you your Honor.. " Amara gave him a mild glare before taking her seat. "Miss Martinez... I will like you to tell this court where you were on that evening before Mr Antonio came to pick you"

"I was with my boyfriend"

"Where is your boyfriend?"

"He is not here.. " she rushed out.


"We had a fight"

"What caused the fight?"

"It personal!" She snaps at him as he nods,unaffected by her tantrum.

"You called Mr Banerio to come pick you on that day" she nods "and why if i may ask?" She stays mute. "You called him simply because you trust him as your best friend, you had a problem with your boyfriend yet you left with your best friend who is a guy?, it's like you don't see it, are we even sure there is nothing going on between the two of you!"

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