Chapter 43: The unseen enemy is always the fearsome

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From the road ahead, behind the tree line, a group of six-man surfed out from their hideouts. They walked towards lady Morgana and the youngsters at a spaced pace; shadows seemed to lurk by their side.

Luca shoved Aurora to the back, while he, himself, retreated two or three steps and, once more, he pulled out his wand from his pocket. He assumed a defensive stance, pointing his wand to each and one of the individuals while they approached as a group.

"Shadow." Morgana hissed into the dead air.

At the calling, the shadows that had been moving around for no apparent reason, crawled to an emerging point and ganged together to form a dark column of smoke. When it finally faded away, a proponent male figure took its place. He had thickly lustrous stygian-black hair down to the neck, onyx-like eyes, and a furrowed jaw-line. He was hearing a black attire, a long-sleeved zipped-up blouse with what it seemed to be like a tunic overtop, a pair of loose grey trousers, and military boots. He had his hands covered with gloves and around his wrist were medium-sized staal bracers. Secured in the scabbard behind his back, there were two katanas. Strapped around his waist, tucket to the left side of his leather belt he had a common janbiya dagger. 

Morgana's brows meshed as she watched him came to a stop.

"Lady Morgana, what a lovely coincidence," he said, crossing his arms over his chest. "... meeting you here."

"That was bound to happen someday, I'm just glad it happened rather sooner than later, that way I can deliver you to the Ministry before sunrise." She spoke in her usual high, crisp manner, her words tinted with something, not an accent, just a hint of playfulness in her voice.

A slow smile began in his eyes and leisurely turned up the corners of his mouth. "I like your confidence, witch, but I'm a difficult man to get hold of." 

She chuckled from her position near the church's window, "You think of yourself as untouchable and that's bad for the ego."

"I'm not the one with a big ego here," He said proudly, "You're the one who's overconfident and convinced that can put a stop to me."

She bit her lower lip and skimmed him up-and-down, "Do you know what is your problem? Your problem is that you underestimate me because I'm a woman." and, she defiantly jutted out her strong chin, smiling. She might have been taunting him, trying to provoke him into an attack, a thought strategy on her part. "There is no greater danger than underestimating a woman. So, go ahead, underestimate me. You won't be the first and surely won't be last."

He narrowed his eyes and launched forward, quickly vanishing into a mist of shadows and materializing right in front of her. Aurora's body flinched when he grabbed Morgana by the neck and violently pinned her against the wall."No. You're the one who underestimates me, Morgana. You have no idea who you are dealing with. I'm the master of darkness, I can wipe that little smile of yours anytime. Just watch me." A flash of anger crossed his face and he tightened his grip.

Aurora felt the tension and heard the intensity in his tone. There was a great deal of emotion behind those words he was speaking.

"Oh, did you felt threatened just now? I always took you for an unwavering man but, apparently, I was wrong."  Her voice sounded painfully thin as if she were close to collapse, however, she held his gaze despite the increasing trouble breathing. 

He grabbed her jaw, squishing her cheeks inward and compressing her lips together, making them do a weird pucker. "You gotta be kidding me. Threatened? By you?"  He held it firmly so she couldn't turn away. "Is that a joke?"

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