Swiftly unzipping the army duffle Dean begins unloading it onto the rickety table, "Stakes, iron, silver, salt-"

Twirling the Demon knife around I sink it into the soft old wood "Ancient and apparently unbeatable Demon blade."

Half smirking my way, Dean reiterates motioning my way when he tells Bobby "See. We're pretty much ready to kill anything which comes through those doors."

"Still", Bobby disheartened voices, sparing a skeptical look between us "I don't think this is a very good idea."

Whilst Dean releases a frustrated huff I mention to Bobby "If it's too hot then get outta the damn kitchen." Bobby making no move to leave I reach around Dean to snatch the bowl and herbs, extending them to Bobby with a chirp "Great. Good have you on board. Now do you want to ring the dinner bell or should I?" Briefly, his skeptical gaze flickers to Dean past my shoulder. Yet he must've looked just as adamant as I because Bobby reluctantly accepts the bowl and herbs from my grasp and begins shuffling across the room to the other abandoned table. "He's right through" Twirling on my feet when Bobby's far enough away, I murmur with a pointed look "Summoning this thing is a horrible idea."

Despite the concern etched into his pinched brows, Dean leans back against the wooden table "You were in the same motel room as me right?" Taking my turn to arch my eyebrow, Dean presses adamantly "El this thing is dangerous-"

"Which should've been the first reason you have not to summon it dingus" I refrained myself from hitting Dean again where I cut him. When he rolls his shoulders and averts his aggravated stare I understand Dean's becoming frustrated being told repeatedly how bad of an idea of his this is. Reaching out between us I trail my fingers down one of his forearms which have propped his leaning body back against the table. He lets me tangle my fingers in his when I say "I'm not telling you we're not doing this but we need to be careful. I mean it."

"We're never careful", Dean scoffs, a half-smirk falling on his lips when he tells me "That's part of our charm." Unlike normal I don't find it even halfway amusing. The gravity of what this thing could be is weighing on my shoulders- not to mention where the hell Sam's decided to go venturing off to. He told us he's at a diner and I believe Sam. It's what he's admitted he's doing. But considering the circumstances I've noticed over spanning the past two months... I'm not so sure he's telling us the entire truth. As if he's noticed I tuned out from the heavy reality for a moment Dean tightens his interwoven fingers with mine "We've danced with worse."

"Worse... but at least we knew and understood what we were fighting", Dismissing the annoyance in Dean's gaze I pick out the subtle shift of agreeance with ease. So when his reluctant attention flickers back to me again, I ignore Bobby's background chanting and murmur the low warning "This thing- Castiel- it's got a pitch so loud it shatters mirrors in the ceiling, shoots by with such pace it shattered every glass window inside a pitstop with a single burst, raised you right outta Hell with only a burned hand brand left in its wake, shakes the ground we walk on- burned Pamela's eyes out when she stole a single glance at it through the veil of time-"

Stuttering I cut myself off shaking my head as I line these aspects and events up in a line. With a thoughtful look written across his face, Dean rises to stand a little taller "What's trying to say El?"

Sparing a single glance back to Bobby to make sure he's still chanting away the summoning spell, I hesitantly step closer to Dean "My ancestors date back thousands of years Dean. Thousands. Means thousands of journals and lore on monsters spanning right around the globe but there's never once been mention of a monster that can do this kind of stuff- certainly not yank you right outta the hotbox below." His green eyes watch me closely when I offer a small uneasy tilt of my head "This thing... it's cosmic Dean."

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