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nobody's pov
november 29th
12:00 pm

today was friday, also known as the day that the group finally hangs out with changbin again after months of not talking. most of the group was waiting outside, all there except for changbin.

"well, he's obviously not coming." felix spoke up, "let's just move on without him."

"he's coming." chan told the younger, "we're not leaving him behind."

felix rolled his eyes, mocking chan under his breath as he rested his head on soojin's shoulder. the girl let out a laugh, making felix laugh as well. the group continued to wait for a few minutes, until changbin finally showed up. woojin and chan were the first to greet the boy, as everyone else became quiet.

"stop staying silent and say something." woojin told the rest of the group.

"i am very uncomfortable with the energy that we've created in the studio today." hyunjin confessed.

chan rolled his eyes, "stop being immature and say something to him."

"we didn't come here to get scolded at." jeongin responded, "you weren't the ones getting shit from his ass because he wanted to look good in front of you guys, meanwhile he brought up hyunjin's past and made felix cry days on end."

"and suddenly i am shocked that the baby of the group says something." minho whispered under his breath, earning a nod from jisung.

"you guys are just being immature by not forgiving him." woojin pointed out.

"then have him say shit to you two, make you guys cry, and feel like promises have been broken because of all the unnecessary bullshit he's done." jeongin crossed his arms, "i didn't even get my ice cream yet, but now i don't think it'll convince me to stay."

seungmin cleared his throat, "what jeongin means is, hi changbin."

jeongin looked at his boyfriend, shaking his head. seungmin looked back, shrugging, "i don't want to get scolded at again."

jeongin rolled his eyes, "whatever, hi changbin."

hyunjin softly waved at the elder, as chan and woojin looked at soojin, felix, minho, and jisung who were staying silent. jisung let out a sigh, "hi, changbin."

"hey." minho softly said, glancing at soojin and felix.

soojin and felix both let out sighs, as they greeted changbin in unison. chan clapped his hands together, "wasn't that hard, now was it?"

changbin hummed a response, "so, where to first?"

"nope, you have to greet them back." woojin told the younger, "go on, greet them."

changbin furrowed his eyebrows, "what are we, kindergartners?" he questioned, "we are aware of each other's presence, why must we say hi?"

"and for once i agree with changbin!" jeongin mentioned, "thank you, changbin."

the elder looked over, nodding his head, "it's just dumb, and it's creating unwanted tension." changbin mentioned, "we're awkward right now, we haven't talked in months and we weren't prepared for this." the elder paused, "and i'm aware i have to apologize to everyone, but it's hard to just immediately jump back into talking to people you haven't talked to in months."

jisung raised his eyebrows, "the dumbass speaks knowledge."

changbin looked at jisung, shaking his head, "i'm aware i'm a dumbass and that i've fucked shit up." he then let out a sigh, "and i know that you guys probably aren't ready to accept any apology that comes out of my mouth, but i'm sorry that i was such an asshole to you guys the past few months and that i gave you guys shit. especially felix and soojin, and hyunjin too." the boy then looked at soojin, "and i know i fucked up a lot of good things for you, but i'm glad that you didn't let my dumbass decisions fuck completely everything up, and that you were able to find happiness in felix and that you two were able to make things work out." changbin then looked at the rest of the group, "and i know we all probably don't want to be here, but to save all of us from being scolded at the entire time, let's just be on our best behavior for woojin and chan. you guys don't have to accept my apology at all but-"

"i accept it." soojin softly spoke up, "you were an asshole, yes, but it takes a lot of guts to apologize face to face and recognize your wrongs."

"you do?" changbin questioned, earning a nod from soojin.

"yeah, i do." she smiled at the elder, "even though you were a dick, you also somehow made this friend group stronger, and i was also to get something rewarding out of it." soojin said as she patted felix's head, "which, sorry for stealing your boyfriend, but i'm also not."

changbin laughed at the girl, "it's fine." he said, "you two look very cute together anyways."

felix softly smiled at changbin, "thank you." the boy responded, "i also forgive you."

hyunjin bit down on his lip, "i guess i forgive you too." he nodded, "i mean, soojin is right, it does take a lot of guts to apologize face to face and recognize your wrongs."

"this is what we've been wanting for months." jisung confessed, "an apology, a genuine apology too." he told changbin, "one that's face to face and genuine, where you recognize your wrongs."

"i know." changbin nodded, "i was just immature, and an asshole. but, i was able to think about it a lot and i now know how badly my actions have affected you guys."

jeongin puffed out his lips, "i guess i gotta apologize too, for being an asshole and kind of refusing to talk to you." he mentioned, "also, i'm sorry for trying to get this group to get revenge on you."

changbin laughed at jeongin, "it's fine, it's okay. i deserved the revenge."

minho hummed a response, "i guess we can all say we forgive you, and that we hope that we can move forward from our past."

"i hope for the same." changbin agreed, a smile on his face.

chan and woojin then gave each other high fives, as chan looked at jeongin, "now, what were you saying?" he questioned the younger in a teasing way.

"i think i was saying how good ice cream sounds." jeongin confessed, "you know, a banana split with some hot fudge on top!"

chan laughed at the younger, "i think we can celebrate your guys actions and forgiveness with some ice cream."

"hell yeah!" jeongin cheered.

the group then paired up, as they walked to one of the ice cream parlors inside the mall. the ten then ordered ice cream, eating it together as they caught up with each other and talked about everything that's been happening. after the group finished eating their ice cream, they spent the next few hours window shopping, and actually shopping.

the day actually went well for the group, as they were able to put the past behind them and spend the day together shopping with each other and getting new outfits, along with making each other try on silly outfits that they knew they'd never wear.

5:30 pm

it was now time for everyone to return home, considering it was nearly dinner time, and everyone was saying their goodbyes before leaving.

"i am really proud of you guys." chan confessed, earning agreement from woojin, "genuinely though, we are so proud of you guys for being able to put the past behind you guys and enjoy today."

"i guess we couldn't have done it without you guys, and that you guys forcing us to say hi was a good idea." jeongin mentioned.

jisung nodded his head, "today was actually fun, and i hope that in the future we can hangout some more, just like we used to."

changbin agreed with the younger, "i hope so too."

woojin hummed a response, "get home safe tonight guys, okay? and we'll definitely plan more days to hang out."

"we will." soojin smiled, "see you guys again soon."


authors note:
omg so sweet🙈
LMFAOHFJD i hope this was worth the literal two month wait,,, and you guys thinking i died<3
ANYWAYS !! happy pride month everyone ! i'm so so sorry for taking so long to update🙈i was dealing with some shit— mental health wise and just shit LMFAO but ! i'm not dealing with that shit anymore, and i've pretty much gotten my mental health under control so i guess you guys can officially say that your favorite minho stan has returned😳😳✋
how have you guys been!!1! tell me all about it<3 i'd love to talk to you losers again😼😼

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