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nobody's pov
august 10th
8:00 pm

the group of teenagers were at changbin's house, as they sat in a circle, playing games while waiting for the pizza to arrive. everyone was so involved into the games, besides minho, that is. the boy couldn't stop glancing at jisung, which was driving him insane.

"i'm gonna go get something to drink." the boy told the group, getting up from the circle and walking into the kitchen.

hyunjin got up as well, going after the boy. the younger walked over to minho, poking his side. minho looked up from his water, glancing over at hyunjin.

"what do you want?" he questioned.

hyunjin rested his head on minho's shoulder, looking up at the boy, "are you okay?"

"i'm in the same room as my ex, who i'm not over, watching him cuddle the stuffed animal i got him, and you ask me if i'm okay?" the boy shook his head, taking a sip from his water, "i'm absolutely amazing."

"you know, this is the happiest i've seen jisung in awhile." hyunjin pointed out to the elder, "all the times we went out, he seemed really upset." the boy paused, poking at minho's side again, "but now that you're here."

"pretty sure it's the stuffed animal, not me." minho sighed out, placing his empty cup in the sink.

minho then moved away from hyunjin, sitting on top of the counter and resting his head against the cabinet, "i'm so fucking pathetic." he confessed, "i'm still in love with my ex, who i'm pretty sure fell out of love with me." minho paused, looking down at his hands, "i mean, why else would he break up with me?"

"all of us know why he actually broke up with you, besides you." hyunjin told the elder, "he's just been too scared to tell you, because he feels like you would get mad."

"i suck at being mad at him, we all know this." minho responded, "i'm literally not even mad about junghyun anymore, and when i was, i was more mad at junghyun than him." the boy sighed out, shaking his head, "i love him too much."

"i'll dare you to kiss him." hyunjin smiled at the elder.

minho let out a slight laugh, getting down from the counter, "i'm good, i don't want him uncomfortable."

hyunjin raised an eyebrow, clicking his tongue, "alright." the boy said, even though he had a plan in his head.

the two boys walked out of the kitchen, and back to the living room where everyone was. hyunjin sat in between his boyfriends, while minho was going to sit where he was before, until he realized felix switched spots with him. minho stared at felix, who then looked up at him with a smile on his face. minho rolled his eyes, sitting where felix was sitting before, which was next to jisung.

"so, who's turn is it?" minho asked, leaning back.

"i'll go." hyunjin volunteered, smiling at minho.

minho stared at the boy, shaking his head. hyunjin started laughing, crossing his arms as he looked at jisung, "sung, truth or dare?"

the boy thought about it for a second, "dare." he responded.

hyunjin smiled at the response, as he put up two fingers, "i'll give you two options." he told the boy, "option one, is pretty easy- but, option two, not so much."

"option one, please." jisung smiled softly, holding onto the stuffed animal.

the elder smirked, as he then eyed minho and looked back at jisung, "i dare you," he pointed at jisung, moving his finger to minho, "to kiss minho."

jeongin's eyes widened at his boyfriends dare, hitting the boy's thigh, "don't dare him to do that! what if he's not comfortable?"

jisung shook his head, "no, it's okay." the boy looked at minho, "are you uncomfortable?"

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