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nobody's pov
august 14th
3:00 pm

minho drove up to jisung's driveway as he arrived to the boy's house. on the way there, minho may or may have not gotten jisung flowers, just to make him feel a little bit better. the elder then got out of his car, locking it, before proceeding to walk up to jisung's door. the boy used his free hand to knock on the door, looking around the boy's front porch as he waited.

jisung opened the door for minho, leaving it open as he sat down on the floor to put on his shoes, "don't you still have your key?" the boy questioned, "use it, lazy."

minho laughed at the younger, walking over to him and hitting the top of his head with the bouquet of flowers, "don't be so bratty, you loser."

"what was that?" jisung asked, looking up and seeing the flowers. the boy softly smiled, shaking his head as he took the flowers from minho, "what are these for?"

"they're your get better flowers." minho responded, "have you forgotten how cliché i am?"

jisung started giggling, as he stood up, "how could i forget?" he asked, turning to go to the kitchen, "you're the most cliché person i know."

minho smiled at the younger, following him to the kitchen. the elder sat down at the island, watching jisung get a vase for the flowers. the boy waited for jisung to finish his task, as he tapped his fingers against the countertop.

"isn't it pretty?" jisung questioned minho with a smile, placing the vase that was now filled with flowers in the middle of the island, "they're so pretty."

"i'm glad you like them." minho said, getting up from his seat.

jisung waddled over to minho, lifting his leg with his untied shoe up, placing his foot on top of minho's jeans, "please tie it for me."

"damn, you're gonna get my jeans dirty." minho shook his head, bending down by a little bit to tie jisung's shoe, "you brat."

the younger started giggling, watching minho tie his shoe. once the elder finished, jisung took his foot off of minho's thigh, brushing his jeans off, "you're welcome."

"thank you, you brat." the elder said looking back at the boy, "are you ready?"

jisung nodded, walking past minho and turning around, "hurry up, loser."

minho shook his head, a smile on his face, "i'm going, i'm going."

3:30 pm

the boys arrived to the ice cream shop, as minho parked as close as he could. the two boys then got out of the car, walking into the shop.

"what flavors do you want?" minho questioned the younger who was looking at the flavors.

"chill, we just got here." jisung shook his head, "give me a minute."

minho rolled his eyes, "you're so bratty." he said, as he pinched the younger's side.

"ouch." jisung fake pouted, looking up at minho, "you hurt me, you meanie."

"i'll do it again." the elder threatened, "you brat."

jisung crossed his arms, letting out a "hmph." as he turned back to the flavors. the boy took awhile to decide, only to come to the conclusion that he wanted mocha almond fudge, chocolate, and rocky road.

"what toppings do you want?" minho questioned, after hearing the boy's flavors.

"whipped cream, hot fudge, caramel, and m&m's." the younger responded, a smile on his face.

minho nodded his head before walking up to the cashier. the boy told the cashier his order, waiting patiently as the cashier made it. jisung came up from behind minho, wrapping his arms around the boy's waist.

"so the boy who threatened to block me suddenly wants attention, huh?" minho questioned, "you can't resist me."

jisung rolled his eyes at the elder, only to rest his head on the boy's shoulder. the younger looked up at minho, smiling softly, "thank you for taking me out, you loser."

"it only took you threatening to block me like five times until i convinced you." the elder responded, making jisung laugh.

the cashier then came back with their banana split, handing it to minho as he took his money in return. jisung then let go of minho, allowing him to freely move around. the elder grabbed two spoons, as they proceeded to walk over to a table. minho set down the banana split in the middle, handing jisung his own spoon.

the two boys then enjoyed their banana split together, not really talking much. as the boys were eating, the younger realized minho's free hand was resting on the table. jisung softly smiled, taking his free hand and intertwining his fingers with minho. the elder looked up from the banana split, looking at their hands and smiling.

eventually, the two boys finished their banana split. once the boys finished, they threw away their trash before leaving.

as the two boys left the shop, jisung grabbed onto minho's hand, holding it. minho looked over, "you do realize my car is literally right there, right?"

"oh." jisung said softly, taking his hand away from minho.

the two boys then walked over to minho's car, getting inside of it. once minho put on his seat belt and turned on his car, the boy reversed out of the parking spot. he then put his car back into drive, taking a hand off the steering wheel and placing it on top of jisung's thigh. the younger got happy at the action, as he wrapped both his arms around minho's, wresting his head on top of the boy's shoulder. minho quickly kissed the top of jisung's head, before turning back to the road to continue driving jisung home.

4:45 pm

once the teenagers made it back to jisung's house, the two boys got out of minho's car. the elder walked the boy to his front porch, thanking him for coming out with him.

"thank you for taking me, you loser." jisung thanked the elder back, smiling softly at him.

minho smiled at the boy, grabbing his hands, "i'll text you later, okay?"

"not if i block you first." the younger teased, which made both of them laugh.

the boy's laughters then slowed down, as they made eye contact with each other. the two felt themselves leaning in, only to be stopped by themselves once they realized what they were doing.

"i-i should probably go home." minho spoke up, letting go of jisung's hands.

"y-yeah, maybe." jisung nodded in agreement.

the elder cleared his throat, stepping down from the front porch, "i'll see you later, ji."

"see you later, min."

authors note:
me: i mi-
my readers: oh no,,, is she gonna do it? who is she gonna whine over missing now? i bet i can guess.
me: .. i miss exo:(
my readers: wbk.
in conclusion, i miss exo:((

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