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nobody's pov
october 14th
10:50 am

the group of teenagers were standing by their lockers, changing out their books and getting their homework for their next classes.

"shit, i didn't do my homework for science." soojin cursed as she looked through her folder, "fuck."

"you're good, she doesn't check." hyunjin told the girl, "don't worry about it."

the girl nodded her head, putting her folder away as she then closed her locker and turned to felix, resting her head on his shoulder, "wanna come over after school today?"

"when would i ever tell you no?" felix asked, closing his locker and turning around to wrap his arms around the girl, "you know i-"

the boy was cut off by coughing, as he turned to look and saw changbin with his arms crossed. felix rolled his eyes, letting go of soojin, "what do you want?"

"to talk." changbin responded, "al-"

"oh, talking!" minho chimed in, smiling at changbin as he crossed his arms, "what are we talking about?"

"ooh, let's talk about my love for you." jisung said as he wrapped his arms around minho, kissing his cheek.

changbin glared at the two, "actually, i want to talk to felix alone."

"alone?" hyunjin questioned, "what's that?"

"don't know." seungmin hummed, "sounds interesting."

"let's talk about alone then!" jeongin smiled, "is it like a movie? book?"

changbin rolled his eyes, looking at felix and tilting his head, "can we go elsewhere?" he asked, "without these groupies?"

"oh my god, lee felix." soojin gasped, grabbing his hand, "i'm your biggest fan!" she said as she used her free hand to fan herself, "i can't believe i got to meet you, it's like a dream."

hyunjin laughed at the girl, walking over to her, "lee felix!" the boy exclaimed, "oh my god, can i have your autograph?"

"move out of my way." minho said as he pushed the two, "oh my god, it's lee felix! holy shit, i can't believe this day is happening."

felix laughed at the three, shaking his head at them. he then turned to changbin, "if you wanna talk, i'm bringing soojin."

"i want to talk without her." changbin shook his head, "what point of alone do you guys not understand?"

"every point of it." jisung laughed, "we're always with our significant others, if you couldn't tell."

"like i said, you're not going to be able to talk to him alone." hyunjin told the elder, "so what do you need to say, huh?" he questioned, "come on, why so quiet?"

the elder rolled his eyes, "fuck you guys then." the boy said, before walking away.

jeongin watched the boy leave, as he slowly turned to the rest of the group, "so?" the boy asked, "can we?"

"you're not going to stop asking, huh?" felix questioned the younger who shook his head.

"come on." he pouted, "please?" he begged, "pretty please with a cherry on top?"

felix rolled his eyes, letting out a sigh. the boy thought about it for a moment, "fine." he said, earning an excited gasp from jeongin, "this weekend though."

"hell yeah!" jeongin said, fist bumping the air, "time to toilet paper some bitches house!"

"senior year is really making him act like a senior." minho laughed as he looked at jeongin, "it's cute though, he doesn't have to act innocent anymore."

jeongin smiled at the boy, turning to seungmin, "we get to get back at that evil meanie." he said, practically doing a dance, "i'm so excited."

"this weekend though." seungmin reminded the younger, "don't get too ahead of yourself."

"i can wait." jeongin nodded, "as long as he gets what he deserves- and he will."

authors note:
ceo of responding to a group chat my ex friend is in but not responding to her message
lowkey wanna send her that video of jae saying, "interesting ... that's ALSO interesting..."
maybe i should hit her with 'listen to if by day6, 2:30-2:40' or or 'listen to moon by woosung, 2:12-2:13' LMFOAHSJANA
yeaaah i'm pretty much unforgiving
i just decide to not handle people's bullshit anymore so not my fault !!😳😣 i mean it kinda is but i really don't give a fuck
i couldn't even be friends with her again if i wanted because i already told my mom the shit she's done and my mom does not approve and i don't go against my mom for anyone😗

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