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nobody's pov
october 3rd
12:45 am

after dropping off jian and xun at their grandparents, minho took hyunsoo to felix's house, as he wanted to surprise soojin with her younger brother.

"okay, you gotta be super super quiet when we go in, got it?" minho told the younger as they got out of his car.

hyunsoo nodded his head, "okay, but, how come you have a key to felix's house?" the younger questioned as they walked up to the front porch.

"we all gave each other a key to our house if we ever needed anything, and most of the time we're lazy to come down and open the door when someone comes over." minho explained, unlocking the front door, "okay, quiet time."

the elder then closed and locked the door behind them, as they both took their shoes off and headed upstairs.

"it's so dark in here." hyunsoo whispered to felix as they entered felix's room, "i can barely see my own steps."

minho then turned on the light for the younger, who thanked him.

"lix, turn off the fucking light." soojin groaned, covering her eyes.

both hyunsoo and minho froze in their tracks, as hyunsoo slowly stepped back and went behind minho.

"lix." soojin called out, "felix."

"what?" the boy mumbled a response, as he rested his head in the crook of her neck.

"turn off the light." she whined, "it's bright as hell."

"i didn't turn on any light?" felix questioned, opening his eyes and looking over too see minho, "what the hell?"

minho put his finger over his mouth, shushing the younger. felix looked at the boy, furrowing his eyebrows and using his free hand to rub his eyes, just to make sure he was seeing things right.

"why are you here?" felix mouthed.

minho moved out of the way, revealing hyunsoo. the boy hushed felix again, as he wanted to surprise soojin.

"oh my god, you jerk." soojin whined, as she opened her eyes and rolled over. the girl went to turn off the lamp, as she then saw minho and hyunsoo. she looked back at felix, then to minho and hyunsoo. the girl sat up, rubbing her eyes for clearer sight. once she realized she wasn't seeing things, she quickly got out of felix's arms and bed and ran over to her little brother, picking him up and holding him. "i've missed you so much my baby." the girl said, as she kissed his cheek.

hyunsoo let out a laughter, as he embraced the girl's grasp. "i've missed you too." he said, resting his head on her shoulder.

after holding the boy for awhile, the girl walked over to felix, showing him her little brother. "look, it's hyunnie!" she said with excitement.

"you're acting like i'm a baby." hyunsoo laughed, "i'm eleven, soo."

"shut up, you're my baby." the girl said, as she let him down, "even when you're fifty, you'll be my baby."

"the character development." minho said, walking over to felix's bed and sitting on top of it.

"right?" hyunsoo agreed, sitting next to felix and greeting the boy.

felix greeted the younger back, "why are you here so early? i thought you were coming this weekend?"

"we wanted to surprise you guys." hyunsoo responded, "we as in jian and i, but he went to his grandparents."

"what a mean boyfriend, he ditched you." soojin teased, getting back in bed.

"technically, i ditched him. we were supposed to go to his grandparents, but i couldn't wait to see you, so." hyunsoo explained.

"and i was going to go to school tomorrow." soojin shook her head, "i guess now i'm not."

minho laughed at the girl, shaking his head, "and you gave jisung and i shit for missing school."

"shut up, ugly." the girl rolled her eyes, pulling hyunsoo into her grasp, "my baby brother is here."

"we've noticed." minho nodded, "especially lix, cause now you're not cuddling him."

the boy shook his head, grabbing a free pillow and throwing it at minho, "shut up."

"ooh, lix is jealous." hyunsoo laughed, "jealous of me, too." he said, as he then stuck his tongue out at the elder, "get on my level of favoritism."

"oh my god, jian is rubbing off on you." felix said, laughing in disbelief, "kid gonna make you a mini brat."

"who says he isn't already?" soojin asked, earning a gasp from the younger.

"i am not a brat!" hyunsoo said in offense, looking up at his sister who raised her eyebrows, "okay, i am sometimes a brat, but not always."

minho laughed at the younger, letting out a yawn. the boy glanced at the time, as he then stretched, "i think i should get going, it's late, and i'm tired."

"why don't you just stay the night and leave in the morning?" felix asked, "you can sleep in the guest room."

"oh, that's true." minho nodded, "yeah, i'll just sleep in there."

"i'm coming with you." hyunsoo responded, "i wanna stay up for a little bit longer, but soojin would probably kick me with the tv sounds being on."

"true." soojin laughed, as she kissed the boy's forehead, "goodnight, hyunnie."

"goodnight guys." hyunsoo said, getting out of the girl's grasp and getting down from the bed.

the younger waited for minho to go with him, as they then left felix's room. soojin laid back down, facing felix, "now turn off the light." she said, which made the younger laugh.

"you're literally closer to it." felix shook his head, reaching over the girl and turning off his lamp, "lazy ass."

"i know." she smiled softly, holding onto a pillow, "goodnight, loser."

the younger laid back down, facing his back to the girl, "goodnight, even bigger loser." the boy then closed his eyes, "sweet dreams, i love you."

"and i love you."

authors note:
ok but that's funny bc i don't remember asking for ur input, sooooo....
n e wayz, i want bambam to paint his fuckin nails again bruh. it's been like two years but idc !! boy killed it when he painted his nails

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