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nobody's pov
august 11th
10:00 am

minho woke up in confusion, wondering where jisung had went and wondering why there was a pillow in his arms instead of jisung. the boy looked over, realizing jisung's stuffed animal he got him was gone. minho furrowed his eyebrows, letting out a yawn. the boy took the pillow off of him, as he then got out of bed and headed downstairs.

"hey guys, where's jisung?" he questioned the group that was in the kitchen.

the group then paused, as they exchanged looks with each other. changbin cleared his throat, setting his plate down, "since it's my birthday, i shouldn't be the one to explain."

"because i'm the youngest, i shouldn't be the one to explain either." jeongin nodded.

"i'm the one who got minho to get out of bed and go somewhere, so my job is already done." hyunjin pointed out, "therefore, this is your problem that one of you need to solve."

changbin, jeongin, and hyunjin all left the kitchen, going over to living room and sitting on the couch, as they avoided contact with minho. the elder raised an eyebrow, watching the boy's leave. minho turned back to the rest of the group, crossing his arms, "so who's gonna tell me?"

"honestly, felix should be the one to explain, considering he's the closest to jisung." seungmin confessed.

"yeah, i agree." chan nodded, "felix should explain."

"same, i agree too." woojin said, before turning to felix, "have fun."

felix stared at the three who walked away, giving them a death glare, "fucking rude."

minho rolled his eyes, "just tell me what happened."

the younger sighed out, "jisung may or may have not gotten slightly overwhelmed and overthought the situation between you two." he explained, "i don't know the full details, none of us do, but we just know that jisung was overthinking everything, leading to him wanting to go home." felix took a deep breath, "so, soojin took him home and now he's not talking to anyone, again."

"but, we talked about it?" minho questioned, "i thought we would be okay after talking about it."

felix shook his head, "it wasn't that." he told the boy, "it was how you two kissed and told each other you loved each other."

"why's he overthinking that?" minho asked, "i meant it."

"i don't know, maybe because you're both dumbasses that can't fucking see that you're both still in love with each other?" felix sassed, "just a thought, minho."

minho sighed out, "whatever, i'll fix it later."

"hopefully you can." the younger responded, "but for now, let's celebrate my boyfriend's birthday."

minho hummed a response, as the two joined the boy's in the living room. felix sat down next to his boyfriend, kissing the boy's cheek, while minho sat down next to hyunjin and let out a sigh. hyunjin looked over, messing with the boy's hair, "don't worry, i'm sure you can fix it."

minho rested his head on hyunjin's shoulder, nodding his head, "i hope i can."

authors note:
the toxicity in the kpop fandom annoys me
anti's clearly haven't listened to chungha's gotta go, because if they did, they would've listened😐
maybe i'm just getting too old for this shit or i'm becoming more mature, or both, but bruh, i'm getting sick of this shit. like it's every fucking day a fuck face anti wants to ruin something for a fucking idol/group.
just because your dumbass doesn't like them, doesn't fucking mean you can try and ruin their popularity/their reputation.
respect idols/groups,,, but clearly some stans don't know what the fuck respect is, EVEN IF you wrote a five page essay for them😐
in conclusion, the kpop community needs to clean up their act because this isn't funny anymore. it's childish, and that's not okay.
being childish is okay if you're an actual fucking child,, but being like fourteen and being childish is just fucking ridiculous. you should be mature by now but ok😐
i'm just so tired of this shit and so tired of the anti's. it's not funny anymore and they need to fucking grow up already.

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