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nobody's pov
october 19th
8:00 pm

"this movie is boring." jisung spoke up, pausing the movie and turning to his friends, "let's do something else."

"like what?" soojin questioned, getting up and picking up their trash and leaving the living room to go into the kitchen.

"truth or dare but with a twist." jisung responded, earning a look from minho.

"no, nuh uh." the elder disagreed, "we are not getting drunk after getting high."

"not that kind of twist." jisung shook his head, "if you refuse to do a dare or answer a truth, then someone gets to triple dog dare you to do something and you can't back out of it."

"that's evil." hyunjin mentioned, "i'm down for it."

"slightly intimidating but okay." felix agreed, "let's do it."

"what are we doing?" soojin questioned as she walked back into the living room.

"truth or dare, but if you back out on a dare or truth, someone gets to triple dog dare you and you can't back out of that." jeongin explained.

"that's something." the girl responded, "kinda scary, but okay."

"get in a circle my children." jisung told the group, bringing them over to the floor.

the group then sat in a circle, following jisung's directions. the boy then set his phone down, "whoever it lands on, is the one who truth or dares anyone." jisung told the group, spinning the phone.

the group then turned to minho, looking at the boy. "huh?" he questioned, looking at it, "oh it's me." he responded, looking at everyone and turning to jisung, "truth or dare?"

"oh shit." jisung laughed out, "dare."

"i dare you to tell me the biggest lie you've ever told me." minho raised an eyebrow at the boy, wanting to know what jisung has hid from him.

the younger clicked his tongue, humming as he thought about it. "no, i can't say it." the boy refused, shaking his head as he nervously laughed.

"come on, what is it?" minho questioned, placing his hand on the boy's thigh, "tell me, baby."

"you're gonna get mad." jisung responded, "well, you might get mad."

"just tell me." the elder shook his head, "it can't be that bad."

"no, don't tell him." felix whispered to the boy, "don't tell him."

jisung looked at felix, looking back at minho, "so you know how we got stoned yesterday?" he questioned the boy, earning a nod, "yeah that wasn't my first time."

"what?" the group questioned in sync, looking at jisung.

"hey, it wasn't just me." jisung raised his hands in defense, "felix and i used to do it together all the time."

"yeah well, we've known felix is a stoner." hyunjin shook his head, "didn't know you were too."

"bro, your lungs are done for." soojin laughed, quickly stopping herself, "sorry, i shouldn't joke about that."

"when did you guys do that?" minho asked, raising an eyebrow and glancing at both felix and jisung.

"freshman year?" jisung questioned, looking at felix and earning a nod from him. the boy turned back, "yeah, freshman year."

"not surprised." seungmin confessed, "okay, minho, spin."

minho shook his head, spinning the phone. the boy looked up at hyunjin, pointing at him, "your turn, loser." he said, resting his head on jisung's shoulder.

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