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texting: group chat "kind of lovers🧸"

hey doodoo heads
i know we're supposed to be studying rn
but something's been on my mind
so i can't grasp the concepts properly
so i'm just gonna get it off my head

you're the doodoo head>:(

we're all doodoo heads
also the group chat name

hyunjin has changed the group chat name to "lovers🧸"

anyways continue

ok well
i fucked up pretty bad with you guys
like really bad, you know?
and you guys honestly didn't have to forgive me at all, or even take care of me when i was acting like a dumbass and getting drunk- but you guys still did
you both still took care of me and made sure that i was safe, even if you both were upset and hurt and mad at me- and i think that's what made me realize that i had fucked up so badly
because what person that didn't love you would do that shit? no person that didn't love you would do that for you- they'd leave you and be like "your problem" and not even help out
and even though seungmin was angry as hell
he still cared for me and helped out
even though i'm sure you both argued over allowing me to come over when i was drinking
but in the end, you guys were there for me and cared for me and remained to love me even when i was acting like a little dick and it makes me so thankful that i got a second chance
because even though it wasn't a good situation, it made me realize that you both really loved me
and i just want you guys to know i'm very thankful for the love you guys give me, and that i will never take that shit for granted ever again
i love you both so much
thank you for this second chance

of course you had to add the losers at the end and ruin the entire moment

hehe :)

you know
no matter how upset, hurt, or mad we are at you, we're still gonna love your stupid ass and your stupid ass actions
we love you so much, and we care about your safety and you and always want the best for you
of course it hurt for us to break up, but we'd rather subside those feelings and be there for you and take care of you

yeah, loser
we love you a lot
no matter what you do, we're always going to love you and want what's best for you
you make us da happiest boys even if you're a little shit at times
so you don't gotta thank us for that second chance, because in the end, it was gonna be given to you anyways and it would always be available to you

i be telling minho he's shit at breaking up with jisung, but so are we lmao
we really got back together in like,,, how many weeks?

at least we didn't give in EASY
minho and jisung were basically fucking again the moment they saw each other

but i'm very thankful for you both
and either way, thank you
i love you both lots :p

and we love you<3

after you both finish studying
do you wanna come over and have a movie night?
you guys can spend the night too
and we could go to the cafe before school

yessir you dummy<3

sure dumb dumb:p
see you guys in an hour?

an hour sounds good!

an hour it is then<3
i love you both

and we love you:D

authors note:
i played payphone and i haven't listened to that song/heard that song(besides the short 15 seconds outside of tiktok)in so many years that when i listened to it, the first minute was just me staring off in space and going inside my mind and getting flashbacks of my childhood and getting the mfing chills bro
like holy shit?? that experience was,, wow
but then it made me sad once i snapped back into reality because this is basically an end of the decade,, and the end to most of the 00' line childhoods as in this upcoming decade it's just gonna be our graduations, possible weddings, maybe even children ??? and it's just crazy
i know a lot of my readers are really young, like,, some of you are six years younger than me and it shocks me a lot not even gonna lie
but because you guys are so young,, imma tell you right now- being a teenager isn't that cool. i mean, there's more freedom and stuff, and you get to go to places with friends without a parent which is pretty fun,, but at the same time- just cherish the moments you have now. your childhood is important and making memories of it is what's best.
this is gonna be such a fucking boomer sentence, but, get off your phone/ipad/laptop/whatever you have, and go hangout with your friends at the park or something. go ride your bike or play with your scooter and hopefully not hurt your ankle bc that shit hurts like a mf
live out your childhood while you can, and enjoy being a little kid. don't rush into the 'i wanna grow up so badly!' mindset,, because you know, being a teen isn't as fun as being a kid
so have fun, enjoy your childhood. it doesn't last long. this also goes for you little itty bitty twelve year olds and thirteen year olds >:(
have fun you losers, enjoy your time you have before you get closer to high school/graduating high school
and happy new year<3 hopefully 2020 treats you all well:p
on a side note: my mom found my wii a few days ago and i rlly hope we find the charging for it/wires or whatever bc i wanna invite my friends over and play just dance and mario kart so badly
bros we even got the steering wheel things LMAO
ok but seriously,, happy new year you losers <3 enjoy your time, and you all made it through another year !! congratulations, i'm proud :p

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