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nobody's pov
august 7th
8:00 pm

minho sat in his room, staring at the wall. today marks the day that he and jisung finally broke things off, and even though it's been a month, it still hurts him. the elder sighed out, laying down on his bed and looking up at the ceiling. the boy knew he had to get out of the house in order to get over jisung, but he just couldn't. he didn't feel like going anywhere, and refused every single hang out that the group organized. the boy was comfortable just being in his room, even though he knew he had to leave it at one point.

minho heard his phone vibrate, gaining his attention. the elder picked it up, hoping it was a message from jisung, only to be disappointed.

"why's soojin texting me?" minho questioned, unlocking his phone.


texting: soojin

hyunsoo and jian fly back today
i was thinking you'd want to say goodbye before they left

who's going

the group already came by earlier
i figured you wouldn't want to be around a group of people right now, so

what time do they leave

we're getting ready to leave for the airport right now

i'll meet you guys there

read @ 8:15 pm


8:15 pm

the boy sighed out, getting out of bed and walking over to his closet. minho looked through his clothes, not wanting to change into something different than pajamas. the elder let out a groan, grabbing a random hoodie and some joggers to change into. once the boy finished changing, he tossed his previous clothes into his hamper.

"damn, i need to do laundry." the boy said, realizing how many clothes of his were dirty.

minho then walked in front of the mirror, making sure he looked at least preventable. the boy's expression faded, once he realized it was jisung's hoodie that he grabbed. minho let out a sigh, shaking his head as he walked over to his nightstand and grabbed his keys, wallet, and phone before proceeding to head downstairs. once downstairs, the boy put on his shoes and walked out of the house, locking the door behind him.

minho then unlocked his car, getting into it and turning it on. the moment the boy turned on his car, his radio started playing one of the songs that reminded him of jisung. the boy groaned out, resting his head back, "you must be fucking kidding me, universe." the boy sighed out.

the boy shook his head, as he bit down on his lip. minho looked over in his passengers seat, feeling saddened as he knew that spot was once filled with jisung. the boy sighed once more, turning the music up as he then put on his seatbelt. minho then drove out of his driveway, heading to the airport.


8:45 pm

minho made it to the airport, parking in the parking lot. the elder then got out of his car, locking it, as he walked to the drop off. the boy looked around, searching for soojin and the two boys. suddenly, minho was attacked by two kids running up to him, hugging on the elder.

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