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nobody's pov
september 6th
10:00 pm

kevin got off of his phone the moment minho and jisung walked in. the boy walked over to the younger boys, who had been searching for him.

"holy shit, you came out of no where." minho said, taken back a little bit, "where's jeongin?"

"i think he's right there." jisung spoke up, pointing over to where jeongin was.

minho and kevin looked over, earning a groan from minho, "i did not fucking come here to babysit."

"just take him to hyunjin's house." kevin told the younger, earning a confused look from him, "hyunjin's request."

the younger nodded, taking his boyfriend's hand and walking over to jeongin with him and kevin. the boy then let go of jisung's hand, as he wrapped his arms around jeongin's waist and pulling him away from the crowd, "time to go home, innie."

"i don't want to go-" the boy was cut off with a hiccup, "-home." he said, finishing his sentence as he kicked in minho's grasp, "put me down, i'm having fun!"

"jeongin, you've had too much fun and it's only ten at night." kevin told the younger, "listen to minho and go home."

the younger boy shook his head, trying to get out of minho's grasp. the elder only tightened his grasp around the boy, "don't you dare refrain, yang jeongin."

"jisung," jeongin whined, "make your boyfriend let go of me."

"jeongin, you're way drunk for ten at night." jisung shook his head, "you need to go home."

"i don't want-" another hiccup interrupting the boy, "-to go home."

"too bad, you're going." minho told the boy, "and there's no ifs, ands, or buts about it."

the younger started struggling in minho's grasp, only to get yelled at by minho which immediately made him stop struggling.

"you don't have to be so mean." jeongin pouted, turning his head and looking at minho, "you're mean."

"i wouldn't have to be mean if you were acting right and not being a fucking idiot." minho responded, letting go of jeongin and instead, holding onto his arm, "you shouldn't even be drinking this much at your age."

"you don't know anything that's going on." the younger said, "stop acting like you do."

"when jisung and i broke up, i didn't drink this fucking much." minho started to scold the boy, "and i'm older than you, so it's ridiculous that you're drinking this much."

"it's not about the break up." jeongin rolled his eyes, pulling his arm away, only for minho to tighten his grasp.

"then what's it about?" jisung asked the younger, who's expression fell sad and became quiet.

"just take me home." the younger told the two boys, "i wanna go home."

"alright, as you wish." minho nodded, turning to kevin, "let them know i'll be on the way."

kevin hummed a response, giving minho a pat on the back, "have fun." he told the boy before walking away.

10:30 pm

jeongin looked out the window of the backseat, seeing that they were pulling up to a house. the younger furrowed his eyebrows, "there must've been something in those drinks, because this is not my house."

"you're right, it's not." minho said as he put the car in park, "we're at hyunjin's."

jeongin could've sworn in that moment he became completely sober, as fear struck him. the boy held tightly onto his seatbelt, "what do you mean we're at hyunjin's?"

"that we're at hyunjin's." jisung responded, unbuckling his seat.

"you're not gonna make me get out, are you?" jeongin questioned, holding tighter onto the seatbelt.

"yep, you're getting out." minho told the boy as he unbuckled his seat and got out of the car, opening the door to jeongin's seat.

jeongin continuously shook his head at minho, refusing to get out of the car. meanwhile, jisung left the two boys and knocked on hyunjin's door, notifying the elder that they arrived. as jeongin continued to refuse, jisung walked back to the car with hyunjin and seungmin.

"you can't refuse forever, because now they're both here." minho told the younger as he held the car door open, "just face your problems already."

"no, i wanna go home." jeongin shook his head again, "take me home."

"innie, you know if you went home right now, your parents would be pissed as fuck to find out that you were drinking." hyunjin pointed out to the younger, "come on, just come inside. i already warmed up some pajamas for you in the dryer."

the younger didn't care about hyunjin's words, as he responded with, "i don't care, i'd rather be home than be around you two."

"like i want to be around you as well." seungmin rolled his eyes, "we just want to make sure you're okay for tonight, and that you don't do more stupid activities."

"come on, innie." hyunjin begged the younger, "milo misses you."

jeongin stared at the two boys, as he then unbuckled his seatbelt. the boy got out of the car, stumbling a bit as he did so. hyunjin quickly grabbed onto the younger, lacing their arms so he could help him walk, "easy steps, innie."

minho closed the car door, turning to look at the boy's, "will you guys be able to take care of him on your own?"

seungmin nodded his head, "you guys can go now."

"alright." minho said, "good luck and call me if you need anything."

"we will." seungmin told the boy, who then got in the car with his boyfriend and drove away.

the two elder boys carefully walked jeongin to the porch, as they didn't want him tripping or falling. once the three were inside, seungmin closed the door behind them.

"do you wanna sleep in hyunjin's room with us, or the guest room?" seungmin questioned the younger.

"guest room, please." he responded, "i want to be alone."

the elder hummed a response, as he walked away and went into the laundry room while hyunjin took him to the guest room. the boy then came back, handing jeongin the warmed up pajamas, "hyunjin and i will be in his room if you need us."

"just yell for us, considering you'll be downstairs." hyunjin told jeongin who nodded his head while he let go of his arm, "goodnight, innie."

"goodnight, troublemaker." seungmin teased the younger, "don't cause too much trouble."

"i won't." jeongin found himself softly smiling at the elder's caring for him, as he responded a quiet, "goodnight."

authors note:
bruh my week has been so trash
like i've been so mfing sad all week
and to top it off i sprained my ankle again😐
ayoooo, but i did some petty shit
which was rip up the letters my ex trash friends gave to me😋😋
kinda therapeutic ngl

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