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texting: felix

ay lix
just a heads up
changbin is gonna try to talk to you

but why

because he's gonna try to 'apologize' again
but i already called him out on his bullshit

when will he realize i'm not accepting his apology until he actually means it and changes his ways
because he's refusing to change his ways at this rate and just being assholes to everyone

but don't worry
i told him that he's not gonna get the chance
to talk to you alone because none of us
will allow that

thank you

you're welcome
genuinely don't know what his problem is
but you aren't facing it alone

hyunjin best boy<3
i love you loser

i love you😋
see you tomorrow

see you<3
read @ 9:30 pm

authors note:
i'm genuinely done with stays
the hate towards felix is getting to be too much.
i can't believe that stays really want to get mad at felix just because he's now preaching eight. you guys really wanna be mad at him just because you refuse to move on and want to continue holding onto the past? how the fuck is it felix's fault that you guys are refusing to move on from something that happened four months ago? it's not, so quit fucking attacking him. there's eight now, no longer nine. where's the ninth member, huh? show me. where's he in their photos? not there. he's doing his own shit now. woojin is doing his own shit, AND he's asking for a restart. you guys do realize you're being disrespectful to all of them by continuing to preach nine in their faces, right? even woojin himself wants to restart and move on, but you guys are throwing nine in their faces. it's so disrespectful, and it's so shitty of you guys to hate on felix because he's brave enough to tell you guys straight up, "oh yeah, we're eight" ,, like let go of the fucking past already. it's been four months already and woojin isn't coming back and the concept of nine is gone. you guys can support woojin still, but it's no longer nine. it's eight + one, as woojin is on his own, while stray kids is still eight. so, stop holding onto the past, and move on already. stray kids has given us plenty of time to move on, yet some of y'all are refusing. he's not coming back, you know. woojin is restarting, and so is stray kids. stray kids isn't ever gonna be nine again, so stop holding onto that thought and let go already. it's eight now, it's been eight. leave felix alone for being able to move on. it's not his fault that you guys want to hold onto something that is no longer there.
sometimes you gotta let go, and that's just life. some things just don't work out and that's how life is going to be, so just let go and move on already. it's been four months. it's time to realize that woojin is solo, and stray kids is eight. quit your fussing and complaining, because it's eight + one now.
so, respect them all. support woojin on his solo activities, and him wanting to restart, and support stray kids as eight and wanting to continue as that.

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