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nobody's pov
september 30th
10:50 am

it was break time for the high school students, as they were all just getting out of class and going to their lockers or outdoors. felix was with his group of friends, going over to their lockers to switch their books.

"i actually hate school." minho said as he opened up his locker, "shit is fucking stupid and useless, i want to go home."

"ay don't say that, jisung will automatically agree with you." soojin told the boy, "boy has missed enough days already."

"hey, you missed more days than me." jisung said, crossing his arms.

"i've missed two, dumbass." the girl shook her head, "you've missed like what, six? seven?"

"okay, be quiet before i hit you with my locker." jisung threatened the elder, laughing.

"hey now, hurting my best friend isn't allowed." felix told jisung, "watch yourself, nerd."

soojin laughed at the younger, shaking her head. the girl then turned to her locker, opening it and switching out her books. felix looked into her locker, taking out the hoodie that was hanging up, "so this is where it's been this entire time? hanging my favorite hoodie up in your locker?"

"that's not yours any longer, it's mine." soojin shook her head, taking the hoodie back, "my hoodie."

felix shook his head, "you better be happy i love you, or else i would've taken it back." he said, as he turned to his locker, seeing changbin right next to him. the boy quickly turned back to soojin, "anyways, wanna get food after school?"

"i heard food." kevin said as he came up to the two, wrapping his arms around felix, "i wanna get food with this handsome boy."

"hey now, don't get too friendly." jacob called out from behind, making the boys laugh.

"sorry jacob, i just stole your boyfriend." felix winked as he hugged onto kevin.

"don't make me break that hug up." jacob threatened, "i will."

soojin laughed at the boy, closing her locker, "jacob, your jealousy is showing."

"i know, huh?" kevin said as he pulled away from felix, "he's so easily jealous."

"so is the dude behind you guys." minho whispered into jisung's ear, earning a nod from jisung.

"but about the food, can we get some after school?" felix questioned, "i'm in the mood for chicken."

kevin's eyes widened at the boy bringing up chicken, "hot wings sound so good."

"and with cheesy dip!" felix added, "mm, sounds so good."

"where would we go?" jacob questioned, "i heard downtown wings has really good wings."

"i heard that too." soojin nodded, "we should go there."

kevin agreed with the group, then turning back to felix and giving him another hug, "i'll see you after school." the boy said, as he pulled away and turned to soojin, "and i'll see you in science."

"let's not cause any fires." soojin teased, making the boy laugh.

kevin and jacob then said their goodbyes, as they walked off holding hands, going to their next class considering the bell was going to ring soon.

"we should start heading to class too." jisung mentioned, stretching.

"or we can skip?" minho questioned.

"babe, no, you need to go to class." the younger responded, earning a groan from the boy.

"i fucking hate school." minho pouted, "shits stupid."

soojin shook her head, laughing at minho, "let's just go to class, loser."

felix nodded his head, as he waited for the others to close their lockers. the group then began to walk off, until changbin pulled felix back.

"can we talk?" changbin questioned the younger.

felix let out a scoff, looking the boy up and down, "there's nothing to talk about." he said, pulling his hand away, "you fell out of love, and i was the one who had to end things, considering you wouldn't."

"you liked soojin." changbin mentioned.

"and you liked hyunjin." felix responded, crossing his arms, "now you like kevin." the boy then paused, "and besides, i didn't plan on breaking up with you when i liked soojin. it was just a crush i got over, not a crush that made me change the way i felt about you."

"so that's it, you're over me?" the elder questioned, "just like that?"

"changbin, you've been over me." felix shook his head, "i'm not over you, but i will get over you."

"you don't have to do th-"

"so just because kevin doesn't like you back, you expect me to come running to you again?" the younger asked, "yes, i have to do that. you stopped hanging out with me, you stopped giving me answers, you stopped paying attention to me, and you stopped loving me. i'm not going to stick around for someone who doesn't feel the same, life moves on, and so do i."

"i wish you'd stop hanging out with her." changbin shook his head, "she's influencing you."

"soojin?" felix raised an eyebrow, "thought you liked her, but i also thought you liked me, so." the younger shrugged, "and, she's not influencing me at all. if anything, it was jacob and minho who asked me to break up with you. all soojin did was comfort me, and help me send the breakup message, as a best friend should."

"you're not the sam-"

"oh, because you want me to get on my knees for you and take you back even though you broke my heart, right?" the boy questioned, "soojin has done nothing to change me, so leave her out of this and quit making her seem like she's the bad guy. it seems like you've forgotten she's my best friend, so watch what you say." felix rolled his eyes, "just drop it, changbin. i'm not gonna have this 'take me back' conversation with you."

the elder shook his head, "whatever, i hope you have fun."

the younger rolled his eyes as he walked away, catching up to his friend group. "and i officially hate boys." felix confessed.

"what'd he say?" jisung questioned, looking over.

"i'll tell you guys later." the boy responded, "right now, i'm just trying to mentally prepare myself for math."

"aw fuck." minho cursed, "seriously, can we go home? i forgot we had math next."

jisung let out a laugh, shaking his head, "if i'm suffering, i'm making you suffer with me."

the elder let out a groan, "you're so lucky i love you."

"gay." soojin teased, "get a room."

"we could have a room if jisung wanted to ditch with me." minho shook his head, "brat."

"gotta get that education." felix spoke up, getting interrupted by the bell, "gross, i hate class."

"only a few more classes." jisung said to encourage the others, "a few more classes and then we're done."

"can't wait for them hot wings though." soojin confessed.

felix let out a laugh, nodding his head in agreement, "and neither can i."

authors note:
i was literally such a softie and now i'm just,, not
like i used to be so !! uwu <3 squish my face in literally every photo // blow a kiss
now i just look mean in my photos
and i barely give anyone love anymore
unless u're malaak or my girlfriend, then u automatically get my love
but danny, lily, and jenna ?? nah i bully them😼 they only get my love on rare occasions or when they're sad ((but so does everyone else))
we b giving tuff luv😠😤✋
this is why i cant b friends w certain people bc they don't understand my jokes and me being sarcastic r my ways of showing my love for u and LMFOAJS some people r just too sensitive so i can't 😣😣

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