xllv. study 'date'

Start from the beginning

Tori chuckled. "Lee was talking about that the other day. He said try yellow. But, as much fun as that sounds, I can't today."

Fred rolled his eyes. "Right. You got another study date with Diggory."

"First of all, it's not a date. Just two friends studying."

"Alone. It's practically a date."

"Second of all, so what if it is? Third of all, why don't you ever just call him by his name? He has one, you know." Tori shut her locker, leaving the tent with Fred. They were the last two to go, Angelina and George were already up the hill by the time they got out.

"What does it matter what I call him?" Fred asked her, an annoyed expression appeared in his face. "Well, he's my friend." Tori retorted, "And you say his last name as an insult or call him Pretty Boy. How do you think that makes him feel?"

"I don't reckon he cares. He knows he's a pretty boy. He's practically got all the girls swooning after him, I reckon you have a big crush on him too. Don't you?" Tori stopped midway up the large hill. She glared at the gingered hair boy, frowning. "I don't. And it's none of your business, why do you even care?"

"Whatever," Fred grumbled, proceeding to walk. Tori followed after him, annoyed. "What's gotten into you? You're being so rude." Fred turned to her. "It's nothing. I'll ask Lee for help."

They walked the rest of the way in silence.

✧    ✦    ✧

"I would imagine if we keep talking so loud, Madam Prince is going to kick us out. She's been death staring us for the past ten minutes." Cedric glanced over his book while Tori was trying to contain a laugh.

Madam Prince was in fact, staring them down. She pursed her lips together, looking back down at her book. Tori's body shook with laughter as she tried to contain her laughter.

"It's not that funny." Cedric glanced up to notice her. He cracked a smile, staring back down in his book. "It's just the way you said it," Tori admitted, grabbing her quill as she began doing her homework.

"It's pronounced electricity!" Cedric said though he pronounced it eel-cyricity. Tori shook her head, pointing to the pronunciation in her Muggle Studies book. "It's elect-ricity! Like elect,"

"Rubbish." The Hufflepuff boy grinned, admitting defeat. Tori laughed and was shushed once again by a very grumpy Madam Prince. She turned back to her book as Tori began to sketch out a lightbulb.

"Just wait, you may get to use something the Muggles call 'The Internet.' It's much faster than looking things up in books, I dunno why we don't use it more..." Cedric ran his fingers through his hair, pondering the thought.

"Maybe it's like their cheat sheet. We get magic, they get... the internet?" Tori got up, scanning the bookshelf behind her. Her hands grazed a couple of books as she read the titles to herself quietly.

"No, no, no, Godric!" Tori jumped back, covering her mouth so she wouldn't yelp. "Lee!" She hissed, looking at the boy who's chin rested on one of the shelves.

"Hi, Tori..."

"What are you doing?!" Tori demanded, her hand in her hip. Cedric was still at the table, cracking up about this. "What is so funny?"

"Your face. You look like you're about to commit a murder."

"I might, what the hell are you doing Lee?"

The boy grinned sheepishly, "I was... just taking a stroll through the library..."

Tori was about to respond when Madam Prince caught them. "Mr. Jordan, I made myself very clear about your time in my library. Make it quick, or be quiet."

"Yes, Ma'am. I was just going... I got what I needed." He pulled a random book off the shelf and quickly followed the librarian away from Tori, who glared after him.

" He pulled a random book off the shelf and quickly followed the librarian away from Tori, who glared after him

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i wrote like most of this chapter in the car so i don't know if it's all accurate but i tried.

i'm going to try and work on more so i can publish some tomorrow!

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