Bachelorette Party

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Everything was ready for the girls party. Cora, Mary, Edith, Rose, Lucy, and even some of the female maids were attending. The green sitting room was all dressed up, and a little buffet was set up.

"Excuse me everyone, I want to make a little speech." Cora said tapping a spoon on the edge of a glass. "Y/N, has been with is for quite some time now, it will feel weird to have her leave the house, but marriage means that she's growing up and becoming her own person. So let's let her enjoy her last few days of freedom!" Cora said raising her glass as I smiled and tapped my glass against Edith's.

"We're all so excited for he wedding. It's been a while since the last wedding." Mary said as everyone nodded.

"Yes, even thought your wedding was fantastic, were all excited." Cora said looking at Lucy as she smiled and placed a hand on her growing stomach. She was only two months along, but there was a little bit of a bump.

"I can believe it's been two years since I first came here. It feels like yesterday I received the call from Tom." I said as everyone smiled. "I was really glad I met Sybil. She was such a sweet soul."

"I bet she was a lovely person." Lucy said as I smiled and placed a hand on her arm.

"Let's talk about something more cheerful." Edith said as we all nodded.  "Are you planning on going on a honeymoon?" She asked as I shook my head no.

"We can't afford to honeymoon, but it's alright." I said as Cora and Mary shared a look.

"Non sense. We'll pay for your honeymoon." Cora said as I gasped.

"No, Cora. I couldn't let you do that." I said as she smiled but hushed me.

"Please, Robert told you that we think of you as a daughter. Let me treat you like one." She said as I smiled and have her a hug. "You'll go to Paris for a week, and the Londom house will be  open of you want."

"Thank you, James will probably want to look for farms but, I'll suggest it to him." I said as she nodded and handed me a nicely wrapped gift. "What is this?" I asked opening the gift and spotting a beautiful tiara.

"I received this when I went to Paris on my honeymoon." She said as I took it out of the box. I quickly covered my mouth and gasped.

"It's gorgeous, Cora I can't accept this." I said as she waved me off.

"Please, I want to." She said as I smiled and gave her a hug.

"It'll match your dress perfectly." Sh said before Tom and Robert walked in.

"James has gone to bed. He said he should probably try to sleep before the wedding." Tom said as I nodded and stood up.

"I should probably go to bed as well. Goodnight." I said kissing everyone's cheek before basically skipping up to my room.

Tomorrow I would be a married woman.

Quick little chapter, Hope you like it!

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