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(shorter chapter)

"Cora, could you help me and James plan the wedding? We don't know where to start." I asked running into Cora in the sitting room.

"Of course. I'd be happy to help." Cora said patting the seat next to her. "Why don't we all sit down after luncheon and talk things through?" She asked as I nodded and thanked her before running up stairs to get changed for luncheon and grab the book full of my wedding idea's. "James, we're going to meet up with her ladyship after luncheon to plan for the wedding, I'll ask Mr. Carson to let you go for a while." I said to James who was walking downstairs about to go to the sitting room.

"Alright, thank you." He said kissing my cheek before opening the door for me to enter the dinning room where everyone was just beginning luncheon. "I'm sorry I'm late. What have I missed?" I asked sitting next to my brother.

"Nothing to concern you about, just talking about village things," Robert said, "how's the wedding plans?"

"Well we haven't really gotten much done, but what we do have planned, I'm very happy with it." I said blushing a little. "We have the flowers picked and the theme, but we haven't decided if where we wanted the wedding to take place and what not."

"We're going to sit down after luncheon and plan a few more things." Cora said looking quite excited. We all talked for a while and finished luncheon earlier than expected, so when everyone left James, Cora, and I stayed back.

"So what is the theme of your wedding?" Cora asked as I stood up and went to go grab my wedding planning book.

"I have a few idea's." I said sitting down and opening the book to reveal color schemes, menu's, and dress designs. "James and I went over everything, but we don't know what we want yet. These are just thing that are an option." I said as she flipped through the book. After three hours of planning we finally had everything chosen, the only thing left to do was book everything. We finally parted.

"Come walk with me." Cora said gesturing me to walk with her as I smiled and followed her up the stairs. "I want to go wedding dress shopping with you. We'll go up to London and spend a day shopping."

"Oh that sounds lovely. Thank you." I said as she gave me a hug and I went to my room to write letters to invite people to the wedding. I decided to write to Pete as well. He invited me to his wedding, so I thought it was only fair.  After writing all the letter's I realized how late it was and that I was to meet Tom in the village soon. "I'm here!" I said meeting Tom outside the pub.

"Have fun wedding planning?" Tom asked extending his arm, which I took.

"Yes, actually I did have fun. Don't poke fun." I said elbowing him as he chuckled but opened the pub door for me. "Are you going to the bachelor party? I think James invited you."

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it"

"Oh and ask Lucy to come to my party as will please." I asked as he smiled and nodded as we took a seat at the bar.

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