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We met up with Mary and Matthew and went into the club only to be met by Newton Grey. "Newton, What are you doing here?" You asked hugging him. "Matthew called me and asked me out for a drink." He said smiling back at Matthew. Everyone liked Newton and wanted you two to get together. You smiled back and sat down next to him. "How are you? It feels like ages since we last talked." You said picking up a menu. 

"I'm fine, I just got accepted into college." He said sipping on his drink. "Oh what school are you attending?" Matthew asked sounding fairly interested. "Um Princeton and Knightly."  He responded as the bartender came to take our orders. "I'll take a sweet sampler." You said smirking. He nodded and prepared your drink while you talked to Newton. 

"So, now that I'm going off to school that means that I won;t be spending as much time with you anymore." He said pouting. "I know, I'm going to miss you, I feel like I can talk to you about anything." You said looking at the clock it was around 2:00. "We should go back Mary, I have a fitting at 3:00." You said standing up and putting on your coat. They all nodded and followed you out. "Wait!" You heard Newton say behind you. He quickly grabbed your wrists, spinned you around and kissed you. 

Everyone was watching with wide eyes and smiles except for Tom. He knew you didn't love Newton, you only liked him as a friend. "Newton...." You tried to say but he cut you off with a quick peck on your lips. "Shhh I know were meant to be Y/N." He said you could smell the alcohol in his breath. "No, Get off me!" You said pushing him off you. Tom quickly stood by your side to show that he was their to protect you if anything went wrong. "Newton your my friend, You don't love me, your drunk. I'll see you later." You said stomping into the car. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he was going to do that." Tom said as you just sat their with a wide eyed expression. The whole ride home was silent, no one dared speak about what just happened. As soon as you got home you went up to your room for your fitting. 

(Robert's POV)
"How did Lunch go?" I asked meeting up with Matthew and Mary. "It was terrible, Newton got himself hammered and kissed Y/N." Matthew said. "Isn't that a good thing?" I asked back. "No, apparently Y/N think of him only as a friend." Mary said looking exhausted. "Are you alright dear?" Matthew asked. "Yes, but I'm going to London Tomorrow. So I'm going to go sit down." She responded. 

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