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"Miss?" you heard Anna from your room. You woke up and realized you an Pete fell asleep on the couch last night. You carefully out of his embrace and went to go get dressed with Anna. Once you were done you went back to wake Pete up. "Pete wake up you have to go." I said shaking him awake. "But I just go here." He said yawning himself awake. "I know I don't want you to go but you were supposed to just come for the day." You said handing him his blanket. "I'll get Tom to drive you back, alright?" He nodded, put his coat on you left together.  "Tom, can you drive Pete back to London he slept over last night." "Sure, Meet you down in five?" Tom asked. Pete nodded and Tom left  to go start the car.

"Goodbye, thank you for coming, I'm going to miss you." You said cupping his face in your hands. He smiled and slowly started leaning in. Before you knew what was happening he kissed you. Just as he did so James walked in telling me that the car was ready. We both quickly pulled away and thanked James. You walked him down to the car and said goodbye. "Promise to write." You said tearing up. "Promise." he said kissing your cheek before getting in the back and drove off.

You went back inside to have breakfast with the family. "Are you alright Y/N?" Asked Robert. "Yes I'm fine, I just miss Pete." You said poking at your food. "We never even met the lad." Robert said putting down the paper. "I know I'm sorry, This is the longest we've been away from each other." You said finally taking a bite of french toast.  "Why is their something between you too?" asked Edith. I knew she just wanted something to gossip about. "I don't know, he stayed over last night and before he left he...well... kind of..." You stuttered. "What?" Asked Robert sounding very intrigued "Kissed me." Both Robert's and Edith's mouth dropped. "WHAT!!!" Robert said standing up from the table. Just as he did James came in. "My lord theirs some one at the door for you." He said not looking up at us. Robert thanked him and waited for him to leave. "We will talk about this later." he said walking out to greet the person at the door.

As soon as he left, Edith left shortly after leaving you alone with the James. "James, can you please get Mr. Carson for me?" You asked finishing your breakfast. James nodded and quickly fetched Mr.Carson. "Mr.Carson, Will you please excuse James for the day, Were going out." You said standing up and handing James a piece of paper. 

Dear James,

I know your maybe confused on why I asked Carson to give you a day off. I hope if its alright if I drag you away for the day.  You see my aunt wrote telling me that she's quite ill and won't be won't make it threw the night. 

So I was wondering if you would come visit her with me. Tom is also coming he's driving us. I do hope you accept my offer. I really like spending time with you. Off of the very little time we've spent together I feel like I've made a new friend. 

If you accept my offer please meet me at the front doors at 10:00. If you don't want to come, you have the day off. Hope to see you soon


Y/N Branson

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