Just visiting

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"Come on, I want to go see Robert before dinner." I said dragging James with me to the car.

"It's going to be okay if we don't see him right away." James said as Stark took off and drove us to the hospital. Half way there I leaned my head on James shoulder and started to cry.

"I'm just nervous." I said as he smiled and wiped a tear off my face.

"It's going to be okay." He said as I nodded and took a deep breath. As soon as we got there, I jumped out of the car and went right to the nurses desk a d asked were Robert was?

"Room 1." She said pointing to the first room in the hallway. As I quickly ran to the room.

"Thank you." James said to the nurse said before following me. As soon as I opened the door I saw Cora sitting next to Robert who was asleep.

"He's sleeping, but he should be up soon. If you guys are going to stay with him, I think I'm going to get something to eat." Cora said as I nodded and took her chair while James stood behind me and put his hands on my shoulders giving me a message.

"We'll stay here until you get back." I said as she nodded and left for some breakfast. James took my jacket and then left to go put them in the  holder. As soon as James got back I stood up and he sat in the chair so I could sit in his lap. "He already looks way better than before." I said as James nodded and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"He's been treated well here. We're lucky we have the best doctor in the country." James said referring to doctor Clarkson, who preformed surgery on Robert last night. Around twenty minutes later Robert started to wake up, and was asking for Cora. "Hey it's us." I said getting off of James' lap and held his hand he was holding out.

"Where's Cora?" He asked looking around for his wife.

"She's gone back to eat, she'll be back in a hour or so." I said as he nodded and slowly sat up. "Be careful, you just got out of a surgery, it's probably going to be sore." I said standing up and helping him get comfortable.

"How are things back at home?" He asked as a nurse came in to check up on him.

"Okay, all things considering, Carson's worrying sick over you. Let's just say things aren't the same without you." James said as Robert smiled. "I'll be back, and let you too talk." James said as we both nodded.

"You really scared everyone." I said to Robert as he chuckled. "When I came back everyone was running around.." I said before Robert cut me off by placing his hand on top of mine. 

"You do know that I think of you as one of my daughters?" He said making me tear up. "I hadn't always, but the more I've gotten to know you the more I feel like you're one of my own." He said as I smiled and let a tear fall down my face, all the sudden James came in with Cora right beside him.

"I think we're going to let you and Cora be together, but we'll come back tomorrow." I said as he nodded and reached out for Cora as she took his hand.

"Are you alright?" James asked as I wiped my tears again and left the room.

"Yes of course." I said just trying to get out of the public eye. I didn't want anyone seeing me cry even if they were happy tears, but once we got into the car I let a few tears of joy out. I've never really felt like I've belonged any where. So Robert saying that really hit me hard. "Home, Mr. Stark." I said as he nodded and stated the car.

"So how is he?" Mary asked with Edith right by her side.

"He's awake now, but I'm not sure how long that'll last. He looked pretty drowsy." I said as they both nodded and gave me a hug before getting in the car and heading to the hospital. Poor Mr. Stark. We decided to go downstairs and tell the staff. James did most of the talking luckily. I was still pretty shook up. "Wait can you come sleep in my room tonight? I don't think I can sleep alone." I said as James looked unsure. "Please." I said as he nodded.

We had to be stealthy about it though, or else people like Burrow might use it for blackmail. Once we were finally in my room we both changed in different rooms, then I washed my face while James started the fire.

"Are you done yet?" He asked as I laughed and rolled my eyes joining him in bed.

"James, I love you." I said laying my head on his chest.

"I love you too."

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