Just a little Tipsy

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(James POV)
"Come on Alfred have another drink." I said slurring my words a little bit. I've probably had a few to many drinks. "No man you drunk, come on let's get you to bed." Alfred said dragging me back to my bedroom. He just threw me on the bed and I quickly fell asleep, completely forgetting to meet with Y/N tonight. 

(Your POV)
"Morning Y/N, How are you?" Matthew asked looking away from the paper. "Just fine, How about you?" I asked but didn't really listen to his answer. "Tom are you going to play cricket for the house?" I asked trying to change the subject. "No, I don't know how to play." Tom said sitting down next to you. "Can girls play?" You asked. "No, the women have a luncheon while the men play." Robert said sounding quite disgusted. 

"Oh, I used to play cricket all the time back in the village. I was one of the best players." You said trying to get them to change their minds. "Y/N, Even if I let you on the team, what would Carson or even doctor Clarkson say?" Robert said rolling his eyes. 

"I bet he would say 'good for her.' And I'll talk to Carson please Robert??" I said pouting and practically begging on my knees. "Fine, You're on the team!" He said as I practically jumped out of my seat and jumped around the room. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You said hugging him. "But If Carson disagrees..." Robert says only to be cut off by Mary "He won't disagree, I'll talk to him for you." Mary says as she makes her way to the car. "Off to London again?" I say as she just rolls her eyes and leaves. 

"Y/N my cousin, Rose is going to be visiting. Can you show her around and keep her company until the match?" Robert asks. "Of course, how old is she?" I asked sitting back down. "She's a only a year younger than you. It'll be nice to have someone your age." Cora said walking in. Both Robert and Matthew stood up and gave her a hug.  "She's quite lively  though, do you think Y/N could handle her?" Robert asked. "Of course. Y/N's just as lively as Rose don't you think?" Robert asked as we all left the dining room. 

"Sounds like fun! Shopping buddy." I said as everyone separated. I went with Tom to the village. We visited some stores and just walked around. "How are things with James?" He asked as you were both walking back to the car. "I think fine, but he never met up with me yesterday, I just hope I didn't do anything wrong." 

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