Part 30. Touring with Thomas

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I sat in the passenger seat of the car. That's something I havent done since I got the brace on. It feels nice to be able to do that again. I had already taken one of the pain killers, so my knee wasnt in too much pain.

Thomas started the car and we headed into the core of London.

"So. You went on a tour yesterday, but I guarentee this one will be better. On this tour, I'll show you all the pretty not well known places. Stuff no tour guide will ever show you." Thomas said.

"Thomas, I have to ask you something." I say.

"Sure. What's up?" He asks.

"Ava's birthday. It's in 4 days. I have nothing planned." I explain.

"Well. You're in luck. Of all the places we go today, you tell me which you think Ava would like best and we'll celebrate it there. I have a friend who is great at making cakes, so that's covered. All we need to do is pick what were going to do."

"Thanks. You're the best." I say.

"Well, that's debatable." Thomas retorts.

We spend some time giggling together in the car ride. Soon enough, he pulls the car to the side of the road. Were just in this small place. Nothing super fancy about it. He helps me into my chair, and starts pushing me. I playfully slap his hand and then continue to push myself using the wheels. He walks beside me now.

"And to our left we have a house" Thomas says pretending to be a tour guide. "and to the right, we have a tree. "

"Wow!" I say sarcastically. "How exotic!"

"I know! They're super rare! You've definitely never seen one of those before."

We continue to walk down the road. Thomas leads me under a bridge. At first, this seemed kind of sketchy, but after we came out from under it, all sketchy thoughts left my mind completely. We came to this gorgeous wall of flowers. It was incredible. Thomas stuck his hand out, and split the wall of flowers. It wasn't actually a wall, but rather a curtain of flowery ivy. He helped me roll through the curtain, and we entered this gorgeous garden. Truly the most spectacular place ever.

"Oh my goodness, I love it! Ava wouldn't though. Not very Ava. I still think the tiny bridge from earlier is the best place for her. Why haven't I seen this place before? Its amazing! I could literally spent years just sitting here looking at the flowers! This place cant have grown on its own. Who's property are we on?" I ask

"A good friend of mines. Don't worry. I wouldn't do anything stupid like that." Thomas said.

"I probably would." I reply.

Time passes, and it is now late afternoon. The sun will soon set. Thomas grabbed a little flower from the vine as we leave the area.

My arms hurt from pushing myself around all day. who knew it could be so tiring? Thomas could see that I was tired, and he came to push me.

"Thanks." I say.

"Yeah, no problem." He replies. "Now. I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I didn't take you to the single best ice cream place ever."

We head to a small ice cream place and order our chocolate icecream. He was right. This is the best icecream ever.

We sat on the bridge we decided to host Avas party on and watched as the sun began to set.

Another gorgeous London sunset.
Another wonderful day, regardless of the pain I was in.

"Look at all those beautiful stars. Imagine being able to travel amongst them at the speed of light." Thomas said.

"Yeah. I've always believed Tattooine is out there somewhere, orbiting it's two suns." I say.

"Oh my gosh no way. You're a star wars fan too?" He says.

"Die hard star wars fan. I know everything there is to know. From the amount of coaxium Han Solo was carrying throughout the Kessel run to the color of Anakins eyes throughout the betrayal. "

"12 canisters and yellow." We say in sync.
We laugh about this coincidence for a few moments.

"I just had the best idea. Since you're supposed to have someone with you 24/7, we should go back to my place and watch some of the movies!" Thomas suggests.

"Best idea ever!" I say as I start to get up so we can head back to the car. "AAAAHHHHHH."I moan in pain. "My knee! I forgot it's messed up!"

"Dont worry. I roll you back to the car and you wont have to move it again until morning." Thomas says sympathetically as he wheels me to the car.

"Thanks." I said. We had reached the car, and Thomas picked me up bridal style again to help me into the seat. "I got really lucky when I fell at that party. Had it not been for that, we never would have met, and I wouldn't be here right now. I know it sounds cheezy but it's true. My life has been like living in a fairy tale. I'm on a trip to London, I met my favourite person on the planet and I'm now close friends with them. I could never have asked for a better life. I know you're doing this just to be polite, but it had truly made my life a thousand times better."

Thomas had stopped moving, and was just holding me still now.
My arms were wrapped around his neck so I wouldnt fall.
The sun was almost fully set behind us. It left objects with nothing but a silhouette.
I looked up at him.
He was staring straight at me.
Our eyes met.
He adjusted his grip on me, and pulled me closer to him.
I leaned in.
He closed his eyes and I closed mine.
Our heads inches apart.
I could feel his breath on me.
Our faces were practically touching.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now