Part 16. The Mirror

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(A/N): So the last one ended on a somewhat internaly saddening note, but all stories have those parts, whether we want them to or not, and this one is no exception. Everyone dislikes something about them, and most people dont realize everyone has that one thing... yes this is whole thing is supposed to be a dream situation with Thomas Brodie-Sangster, but I feel like we all really need to realize we aren't alone in they way they look at ourselves. Let me know if you guys like the deep emotion part or if you prefer the classic cliché imagines.

I sigh.

I crawl into bed. The sheets are tightly tucked at the foot of the bed. I always hate how hotels do that. It's like I'm being held to the bed.
My gosh. Like cant you people make the bed normally for a change?
I lay there. Looking at the popcorn ceiling.
As I'm laying in my bed, I feel something inside me change.
I walk back over to the mirror.
There she is again.
My reflection.
She is so longing for me to accept her as who she is.
For once, I do.

Thomas Brodie-Sangster ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now