Chapter Forty Five

Start from the beginning

Let him love me or not, it was his business, his problem, and his issue. I didn't, and that was final.

I slumped on my bed and stared at the ceiling.

Mercedes's phone rang. It was Cameron this time. I answered the phone and placed it on my left ear, not knowing what to expect. Not even expecting anything expectable. I didn't know. What should I have expected?

"Hey, pumpkin!" he trilled in his normal, cute, breathtaking and heart melting voice.

I guessed Pumpkin was the family's tradition.. Typical.

"Hi." I replied in a nervous tone.

"So, you didn't join them in the scout?" he asked.

"No. Not really," I replied.

"So, are you busy?"

Why was he asking me that? What exactly did he want from me?

"Um - I - " I thought of a lie as I scratched my head and stuttered on the phone.

"Look, Mercedes. I need to see you. I really need to. Even just for the last time. Please," he cried out.

I was confused. It was like everything became double in my sight. I couldn't place my thoughts on anything definite. I couldn't.
"Cameron - "

"Please, Des. I am begging you. I can't live without you can't imagine how hurt it made me seeing you with him - Caden,"

I took a deep breath in and exhaled before voicing out my reply.

"Okay. You can come over. I'll be waiting," I finally replied after much thought.

"Be there before you know it," he replied and I hung up.

    Five minutes later.......

"So, what'd you want to talk about?" I asked he walked over to my bed, sitting beside me.

"I missed you," he said in a whisper.

I smiled slightly.  His voice were like diamonds and his words gold.

I nodded with a blush.

"So, its gonna be goodbye?" he stared into my eyes, waiting for the sincerest of answers. Of which I couldn't give.

"But - "

"Its okay. I understand," he nodded and smiled, placing a hand on my exposed lap. I stared at his hands, hoping he'd get it away, but no.

He looked up at me and trailed his hand to my lace dress button, unbuttoning the first button.

"Cameron - " I called out.

I had no right to stop him, because its exactly what Mercedes would do if she were there. But yet again, I didn't want to do it. I really did not want to.

"Please, Des. Just one last time," he begged and moved on with the buttons of my dress, getting to the last and slowly getting me on the bed.

I was nervous. I'd be a liar to say I didn't know what to expect. What was going to happen to me? What if someone found out? What was I gonna do then?

"Cameron - " I called out once again but it was already too late. He had his body on mine and what you expect was already happening.

"Miss Mercedes?"

He immediately stood up from me and I set my eyes on Miss Banks. She was not so pleased. I wasn't either and I doubt if Caden was.


"What are you doing?" she yelled, her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

I immediately got the dress on and stood up with all eyes widened.

"Look Banks, I can explain," I started, walking over to her.

"No, you can't. How could you! Everyone's gonna be so disappointed when they hear of this. You're so shameless!" she yelled and walked out the door.

"Banks!" I yelled.

"She will do no such!" I heard a voice followed by papi walking into my room.

"Papi - " I started.

"You will do no such! Your services in the family are no longer needed. Pack your bags and I'll have someone book a flight back to L.A."

"Papi - " I gushed with tears in my eyes.

All I was thinking of was how I was going to get busted and what might've happen. My mind was literally everywhere.

"You knew about this - " Banks started.

"Shut up and don't let me ship you back in a sardine can. Get out!" he yelled at her and she scampered off.

"Papi!" I cried out, running out to him and unfolding a big hug. He patted my shoulder slightly.

"Papi, thank you - "

"No,Des. Thank you. I understand how hard it was for you but you decided to go through with the marriage. I can't blame you and I won't. As the saying goes, wherever your treasure is, there your heart lies. I just hope you're happy," he smiled.

"Thank you so much." I smiled back.

I couldn't take it anymore. Her father was too much of a sweetheart. I wanted to tell him it wasn't Mercedes and his daughter was somewhere over seven seas and has probably been crying for help but I couldn't. I would get myself in trouble. A lot bigger trouble.

"Cameron!" he called out.

"Yeah?" he looked up.

"Please take care of her and this shouldn't leak the four walls of this room. I need to go now,"

We both nodded and he headed out the door, shutting it.

"That was close," I sighed as I slumped my butt on the bed.

"Yeah," he replied and sat beside me.

"I'm sorry," he apologized.

"You don't need to be. I'm pretty sure Mercedes I mean, me I mean - i'm lucky to have you," I said with a lot of confusion but finally landed on the right spot.

"Same here," He smiled and stood up.

"See you later?" I asked as he headed out the door.

"Are you coming out for the bonfire at the beach?" he asked.

"Bonfire? Sounds good but i'm good," I replied with a smile.

"Come on! Its gonna be so much fun!" he pleaded.

"Well - "
"Please say yes!" he cried out as his eyes begged me silently.

"Okay, fine. Expect me," I finally said.

"Great!" he smiled happily.

"Later," he parted a with that last word and closed the door.

I sighed and laid on the bed, thanking the heavens for saving my butt over there. I couldn't afford mistakes. Especially not then.

I had gotten everything in control. Nothing could possibly go wrong.

Author's Note.

Thank you so much for reading this chapter. It means a lot to me.

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Thanks again and let's head to the next chapter.


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