Chapter Fifty One

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Bella's POV

It had been exactly one month since the incident at the bar. We had been there longer than expected and my chances were getting slimmer.

I grabbed the clone of Mercedes's phone and read the message from Cameron. He had been sending them everyday since the incident and my closet was piled up with gifts and cards and lots of chocolates, most of which Sally junked up in her tummy.

I slumped on the bed and smiled, cuddling my pillow as I finally remembered everything that happened last night. Cameron, and everything he did. His sweet talks and all the moves.

"And what's with the smile on your face?" Sally asked as she ripped the chocolate of its foil and threw it into her mouth.

"Oh, nothing. lets just say last night was magical," I replied with a smile.

"Oh, so you remember?" she asked with a sigh and laid on the bed beside me, handing me another bar.

"Yeah!" I replied and flung it into my mouth after ripping the foil off.

"That was a hell of a night," she sighed.

"Yeah, and I want to thank you," I started and fixed my gaze on her.

"For - "

"Everything! My life just became awesome!" I yelled happily.

"Its my pleasure," she smirked. "But about the incident a month ago - "

I shrugged. "I could kill you for that, but I guess, it had to happen," I smiled. "Anyway, there's a party in a hotel downtown and we must be there. Cameron invited me and I can't miss it. Are you coming?!" I asked and stared at the invitation on my phone.

"Hell yeah! Now you're talking!" she yelled and gave me a fist bump.

"Your Photoshoot with the band is today, remember?" she asked as she ran through my schedule with the tablet in her hand.

"Oh, yeah!" I nodded with a smile and a stressed look. "Piece of cake. Schedule it for 3pm today. Right now, I need to rest," I sighed and placed my head on my pillow, getting ready to wander into a big nice deep sleep.


"Mercedes!" I yelled as I set my gaze on her. She stared at me with a knife in her hand and tears rolling down her cheeks.

"YOU ARE A MONSTER!" she yelled and shut the door of my room,walking over to me. I was afraid, tensed. How did she get here?

"What are you talking about?" I yelled, trying to buy myself some time.

"What am I talking about? You took away my family, got married to Caden, and you stole Cameron. You are a thief!" she yelled as a river of tears flowed down her face. She was literally red and looked really pathetic.

"Look, Mercedes. I am so sorry. Please - " I begged.

"Are you begging me!" she laughed.

I nodded, really afraid of what she could do with me.

"When I called you to help me what did you do, huh? You hung up on me and that's exactly what i'm gonna do to you! Hang your neck after i'm done slicing it to pieces!" she yelled and jumped on the bed, headed for me.

"Help! - Help! Someone help me!" I screamed at the top of my voice but nobody came.

"Shut up and sleep peacefully. See you in hades," she whispered and kneeled just beside me, trailing the knife to my neck.

"Bye!" she yelled and strangled me with her bare hands.

I kept coughing and choking, trying my best to scream for help.

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