Chapter Three

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Caden's POV

I scratched my hair and heaved a deep sigh, furious about the project. Staring at the screen, I couldn't help but pound my fist on the table and screech in anger. Ruined for the tenth time.

Automatically, the door opened and vomited two humans. One I was relieved to see and the other I wished never even existed.

Adrian walked in with a little guest of mine.

"Hey, bro!" He yelled and we slapped bodies together out of habit.

"What's up!"

"It's all cool, man. I brought her here and now I need to be off. As in, out!" He settled.

"Whoa - wait up, bro. Help me out," I pleaded with my eyes doing all the work.

"The ball is in your court so play it. You are the man, dude! With that breathtaking hair and those muscles, I don't think you'll need much help," he complimented and stared at the work I took time creating and destroying.

"You've been on this for the longest time," he lowered his head and scrolled my computer with the mouse.

"Yeah and it's frustrating," I hissed and shook my head.

"Anyway, you don't want to keep her waiting, so go do something!" He pointed and walked upstairs to his room, whistling the tunes from one of his childish movies.

Inhaling a deep breath, I calmed myself down and went over to a guest of mine that pondered through my house with her piercing eyes.

"Hi," she started naturally as I sat on an opposite couch, crossing my legs and shoved my hair back away from my face.

I didn't reply to that. It was a pointless statement, anyway. What should I say? Hi back? Or is it hello?

"So, it's nice to meet you," she tried again in graceful simplicity and that's when my brain stopped in action.

She was quite different from Mackenzie or any of her friends. Being rich and an only child, I expected a tough bratty ass but she seemed simple, beautiful and just unique in a way even I couldn't understand. I've spent a million nights with girls I can't even remember but she seemed like the unique one out.

She fiddled with her bracelet, probably feeling awkward about her talking. It was awfully quiet and dad wouldn't be so happy to hear I didn't say a thing.

"Caden's the name," I spoke up, exuding the normal graceful aura with my hair perfectly in place as I intentionally crawled up a smirk to my lips.

She raised her head slowly and rested a hand on her hip. I blew out my cheeks. What is she doing? Girls drool over me. She isn't an exception at all.

"Mercedes," she replied and toyed with a lock of her hair.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Did she just spend fifteen seconds before answering me? No one ever does that. Let's see how she handles the rough dark side of me.

"So do you live here alone?" She fretted with a controlled smile.

"What was your first clue?" I shot with an intimidating smirk.

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