Chapter Sixty Nine

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Caden's POV

Do it. No, don't do it. Just do, don't...ugh!

I finally decided and walked across to her room, knocking on it slightly like she's instructed umpteenth times. My left hand in one pocket of my sweats and the other making a soft knock on the door.

"Come in," she said in more of a little groan and I stepped into her room. I stared at her lay on the bed, hugging her knees with her head buried in between both legs. Something was wrong.

"Are you alright?" I asked, walking closer to her.

"I have a pretty bad hangover. God, my head aches so much," she moaned and returned her head to her legs, wincing in pain.

"Coffee?" I asked, looking for a way to escape the guilt I felt. I knew I caused it.

"Yes please," she mumbled, not even looking up and I stood up with a sigh and went off to get some coffee for her.

"Here," I handed the coffee to her, feeling really guilty about last night. It was my fault. And Adrian's.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have invited you to that crap last night," I apologized in a mellow tune, hoping she wasn't blaming me for her hangover.

"Speaking of!" she yelled and returned the coffee mug to the side stool. "What the fuck happened last night? I don't remember a thing," she continued and straightened her legs a bit, rubbing the back of her head.

"Nothing. You just had too much to drink," I lied, threading my hand down my hair.

"Obviously," she rolled her eyes and grabbed the coffee, sipping it desperately and I watched every move of hers, loving everything about her. From her horrible morning breath, to the little pink lips and her messy blonde hair.

"I'll freshen up. I feel like a hot mess," she spoke and stood up from the bed, headed to the shower, after which I left to my room.

A really, really hot one at that.

"Cay! - Den!" I heard my name in a joyful squee as she barged into my room with her phone on her face and her lips tightly curled in a beaming grin.

What the fuck happened to knock before entering?

"what's up?" I asked, looking up at her.

"I just got ak - sep - ted!! Like - yippie!" she did it once again and flung her arms to my shoulders happily, not even realizing the awkwardness in the air.

"Ahem - " I coughed at the awkward situation.

"Sorry about that," she apologized and drifted.

"So, you'll be leaving soon?" I asked, my voice quaking with anxiety at the thought of loosing her. She cannot leave!

"I guess so," she shrugged with a little smile as her once active voice turned a bit pale. We both remained quiet for a moment, both our heads awkwardly bent to the floor.

"Caden!" "Bella!" We both called at the same time.

"Y - you go first," she smiled.

"I don't know. It feels so - weird," I started.

Tell her. Do it. Just freaking do it!

"That?" she asked.

"Over the past couple months, you know. Everything, and the whole charade and now, you're - "

"I'm - " she trailed off.

"Nothing," I shrugged, feeling foolish for wanting to complete my childish statement.

Silence protruded once more as we both stood, staring into each other's eyes.

"Do you have to leave?" I asked in a whisper, not knowing when the words slipped off my tongue.

", you want me here?" she challenged with a flirtatious smile.

"You wish!" I spat and walked towards her, making her to move backwards involuntarily until her back smacked on the wall and her eyes hovering in fear.

It was go time!

"Caden.." she called out.

"Or, you want to stay?" I asked and she rolled her eyes.

"You're not even a little bit scared?" I asked, noticing the quivering of her lips and her curled toes.

"N - no!" she stuttered.


I caged her in both my arms and leaned a bit closer to her as she trembled. How cute!

I bent a little bit forward until our breaths pressed against each others and there was barely any space between the both of us. I finally placed my lip gently over hers and closed my eyes, expecting a slap or an angry expression but then, she gave in, almost dominating over me.

I couldn't think. She got me trapped. Little miss sassy isn't so sassy after all. I was about to launch into another kiss when she held my chest back.

"I - I'm sorry. I can't. Caden, I can't," she whispered and freed herself from my cage.

"I'm sorry. I -" I started, scratching the back of my hair.

"Its okay. I need to go now," she replied and opened the door, the aura of awkwardness still in the air.

"Later," I smiled and she closed the door.

Gosh! How awkward was that?

I was not gonna pressure her. It was totally her decision. I guessed...

I sat on the bed, recalling two minutes ago over and over again in my head. I wanted to believe she was not ready but my ego's still couldn't take no for an answer.

I sighed and leaned over the edge of the bed, grabbing a bottle of water and getting the cap of, gulping down almost half the bottle.

No. I should understand. She has been through so much already and....oh, cut it out Caden.

She was gonna give in soon. I knew it already.

Author's Note.

Thank you all so much for reading this chapter. It means so much to me.

Don't forget to vote and comment down your thoughts. Its so fun reading and replying!

So, what do you think? That happened... That really happened......

Anyway, thanks and much Love, Pauly Queen.

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