Chapter Twenty Four

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Bella's POV

His words made my tummy tickle and just fill with a lot of butterflies buttering around. I just felt like I was gonna melt away. He was such a prince charming with a heart. Unlike that demon I left back at home. He needed lessons on how to be a real man.

Had I ever been happier in my life!

"Us?" I asked with a smile, my hand still in his and his eyes still on me.

"Yeah," he replied with a nod and a sincere smile.

"So, what about us?" I asked as I suddenly felt like I was gonna pee on the spot. My legs itched and men, I was pressed.

"I love you, Mercedes. I'm sure you know that." His eyes were pale like I disappointed him in the past or something.

"I..." I started but paused.

O My God its gonna be so weird saying this, but I have to say it anyway.

"I love you too." I replied and he held my other hand, with these eyes that pierced into mine.

"Then what's the problem?" He asked as total sadness over took his eyes. I feel like i'm doing something really wrong, but in a good right way. I don't know.

"What's the problem?" I asked back, puzzled out.

"Why can't we leave yet?"

What? Leave? Was she gonna elope with this angel? Such a naughty girl! Why would someone want to leave all these behind? There's too much of a past that's gonna be left behind.

"Leave? Why?" I asked, not having anything else to say, but kept thinking of his last statement.

He sighed and bent his head,letting go of my hands. "Come on, let's go to a quiet place." He suggested and grabbed me as we pushed our way through the crowd, booming music and contaminated atmosphere. It was a relief getting out of there.

We got into his car. I put my seatbelt on and we just sat there, quiet in the dark.

"So - - " I started, hoping this wouldn't last long and wouldn't result to something in a bedroom.

"Talk to me." He said in a sad grimace. "Just say its something!" His eyes pleaded, craving for my words.

Words I wasn't sure I had, words I couldn't say aloud. Words I knew nothing about.

I was lost. My mouth sank to an unknown depth and I had no idea that to say. I just stared at my hands as shivers raced down my spine, fear engulfed me and his voice kept a tickle running all over my body. My system couldn't take it. I was bound to wet myself.

"I don't know what to." I finally replied with a sense of guilt. Who wouldn't feel guilty?

"Let's go. Elope with me. There's not much to lose." He pleaded.

Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? He is a better version of a clown.

There isn't much to lose? Look at yourself. You are loaded for at least fifteen generations to come and you say there isn't much to lose? The money,cars and everything!

I think he had too much alcohol to take in. This guy's definitely drunk!

"My family - I can't leave them." I opposed, trying to make him see reasons and just let me stay back without hurting his feelings or ruining the relationship.

He laughed hysterically and then looked at me again. I gave a puzzled look, totally confused.

"Since when did you care about family? Or are you just pulling my legs?" He furrowed his brows, awaiting a reply.

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