Chapter Twenty Two

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Bella's POV

I rubbed the back of my palm on my sleepy eyes and sat up straight to a brand new day. After all the noise from last night, I could hardly even get some good sleep.

A brand new day. Ugh!

"Hello, Miss Mercedes. Your coffee is served just the way you like it. A triple shot espresso as you asked, in the black mug and white saucer. Today's your wedding rehearsal with the brand, and everything's ready. Everyone's so excited to see you, ma'am," Banks yelped excitedly. Her happiness was so intense, it scared me.

"Banks, please excuse me for a moment," I said, standing up from the bed and tapping my legs on the floor, searching for my slippers.

"Okay, sure," she replied with a nod and stepped out. I walked to the door and locked it, rushing to my bed and grabbing my phone from under the pink pillow in a haste.

Immediately, I phoned Dar.

"Dar, pick up the phone! Pick up, pick up, pick up, please," I whispered as I held the phone on my left ear, impatiently waiting for her to pick up the call.

Sorry, the number you dialled is out of...

"Argh!" I exclaimed in frustration.

I tossed the phone to the bed, frustrated and angry all at once.

Why? Where the hell was she?

"You can come in!" I yelled as i unlocked the doors and Banks came right back in with a smile only she knew the cause of.

"Are you alright, ma'am?" she asked as she stood by the bed with a tablet in her hand and her signature smile pursed on her lips with a tint of concern fixed in her tone.

"Yeah!" I nodded and stood up from the bed, yawning and stretching.

"I'll go take a shower. In the meantime, you just get a few things ready," I said and dashed into the shower, hoping that the day wouldn't be so bad, at least.


"Thanks Banks," I said as she zipped the zipper of my playsuit.

She helped me with the makeup and fixing my hair. Soon enough, we were all done and ready to go.

"Here," she hung my purse on my shoulder and slowly pulled a strand of hair from my face, resting it perfectly at the side as she smiled.

"Let's go," I blurted, looking around for anything I forgot.

"Are you sure these contact lenses are perfectly safe? As in a hundred Percent safe?" I asked, not feeling so comfortable with the green contact lenses fixed in my eyes.

I mean, they were green contacts and I still didn't see the use except that I looked prettier and I didn't know what else.

"You loved green contacts. Why?"

"Nothing. Never mind," I shrugged and turned the door knob, walking out with Banks following behind.

I walked down the stairs to see Caden in his study, concentrated on some work he was doing.

I slid the door slowly and walked into it, hoping he at least raised his head or better yet, acknowledged my presence.

"What?" he spat, not even looking up from his computer.

See why I hated this guy?

"Aren't we leaving for the rehearsal yet?" I asked, already tired from something I hadn't even started.

A Billion Dollar Mess(Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें