Chapter one

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Bella's POV.

Mistakes are also a part of life. Remember that.

The atmosphere was pale as normal, and the fan rotated, hitting me with the cool breeze, conjoined with the already freezing weather. I already had my coat on, and had no complains whatsoever. I stared at myself in the mirror, brushing my brunette hair,pleased at every stroke and staring at ma, pa and Darcy at the reflection and gazing at my own humble abode for the supposed last time.

Instead of being a young lady's living room, it was just a room waiting for a new personality to be imposed on it.

My bedroom was small and cluttered, tucked away towards the back of the house. It used to be a bathroom before replacing the tiles with dark blue carpet and floral wallpaper. I hated flowers, but appreciated my own space.

I stopped a moment and pricked a little pimple that grew overnight on my forehead. Staring at their worry and paces in the reflection, I couldn't help but chuckle.

Pa paced from one end of the room to the other as ma sunk into the chair and pulled the thick, plush comforter to her chest. Her formfitting night gown was a pristine white. It pooled around her like liquid silk. The silk caressed her skin like a cool autumn breeze. She gazed doubtfully at me before voicing her inner madness.

"Don't go out late at night," Ma uttered hotly.

"Never go late to night clubs nor parties!" Pa added and knitted his brows.

"Never go out without pants or a bra on!" Ma fired.

"Do not come home with a boyfriend,"

"Do not return here with a child,"

"Never visit a boy alone,"

"Never visit a boy at all,"

"Call every day,"

"I never want to hear you allowed a boy touch you! I swear I'll disown you!" Ma warned.

"Have you heard!" They both thundered.

I sighed and rolled my eyes, walking closer to ma and squatting beside her.

"You've ran through that list a thousand times. I'm an adult now, meaning -  I can take care of myself just fine. Stop worrying too much. Your blood pressure might rise again," I smiled and patted her back softly.

"Adult? You're only eighteen for crying out loud," Pa cried out with a gloomy sigh and placed his palms on his face with a sad grimace as he sat on my old wooden bed which was saying its last goodbyes to life already.

"Nineteen, dad," I beamed. "Nineteen! And, I promise, I will never ever disobey a commandment you gave," I affirmed in my perpetual convincing tone. "You are looking at a certified neurosurgeon. And not to worry, I'll be back home, maybe." I stood up and returned the brush to the dressing table and glanced at myself once again, satisfied with my look.

"We promise. We'll get you back here immediately we have the money. Just try to manage for now," Ma promised in a motherly way and fixed her gaze at pa with a somber frown.

I nodded with a smile and turned from the noises from inside.

"All done with the boxes. Shall we go?" Darcy asked in a small panicky voice, panting heavily as she dragged the boxes out with her head sweating and her body exhausted.

"Yeah!" I yelped and grabbed my box from her and rolled it out, finally relieving her of the stress.

"Take care, honey. Call us as soon as you get there. We can't come because Nana's sick. We love you, querida." Mum said affectionately as a tear rolled down her cheek to her kitchen apron, voice soft with affection.

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