Chapter Sixty Seven

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Caden's POV

I still had a lot of questions in my head to ask her. Like, why she never cared to tell me or, why she never told anyone at all. It was all so confusing. I mean, who gets mistaken for somebody else and doesn't speak up? I guessed!


"Caden! - Caden?"

"Uh, yeah?" I spoke up, snapping out of my thoughts.

"You've been staring at your plate since you called me down here with that expressionless face of yours. Is anything wrong?" she asked with a worried look.

"Yeah. A lot of things. I don't know you! And - neither do I understand you!" I cried out.

"Ugh!" she rolled her eyes. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Care to say more?" I raised a brow.

"Okay. Fine. I am Arabella Leah Allegra. I'm a girl - obviously. Kind heartedish, beautiful, weird, definitely not from here. Not this country either. I grew up in London and moved to America just after my father - left us," she lowered her head and let out a sigh. "Anyway, I was formally in New York. There you have it. I was on my way to my university and all of a sudden I couldn't find my bags and then your weird side kick Adrian appeared and started hurrying me to go. At first I doubted. I even asked him who  Mercedes is but he just ignored me and pulled me anyway. Let's say technically, its his fault."

"His fault? Are you being serious right now?"

"Yeah! Did you not hear the story?"

"Eh- let's just say I'm still processing things right now," I smiled.

"Okay processor," she sighed and we both chuckled. "Back to my story. He grabbed me and led me all the way to the airplane. Then I realized it was a first class flight and - "

"Aha! There I got you!" I interrupted with a triumphant smirk.

"Uh - you got who now?" she asked.

"You! I mean, you didn't get a first class appointment, right?"

"I didn't even have a source back home," she cleared.

"Then why in the world would you ever not think anything is wrong in a first class flight?"

"Princess Caden, you seem to be forgetting some real life facts and it's seriously bothering me. Who in this world would want to miss a first class flight? Are you kidding me?"

"Good point. But  a responsible human being wouldn't think it wise," I pointed out with a shrug.

"Would they? You're just saying that because you can have it anytime you want. I mean, dude! Have you tasted their bread? Its like they bake it in the plane. Its so - "

"Hot!" I interrupted.

"And sweet -"

"And soft - "

"and nice - "

"And beautiful - "

"So, you can't blame me. Rather, blame Adrian," she cut off with a curled lip.

"Whatever. I get you.... I think." I shrugged and finished up the food.

"So, you've got any family members?"

"Is that meant to be an insult? Yeah, I do. I've got my mum, step dad and lil sister,"

"YOU have a little sister?" I exploded in laughter.

"Yeah I do," She snapped.

"And you're this annoying? Babe, girls with little sisters are supposed to be twice as nice but you are thrice as wicked, sassy, annoying and ANNOYING!"

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