Chapter Thirty Seven

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Bella's POV

Day Three:Make her feel good.

Background hit:Girl On Fire by Alicia Keys.

Quote: The path of true love begins with four words; Not my fucking problem.

He was such a pest yesterday. I couldn't even stand the sight of his stupid face.


"Nice to see you up so early, ma'am. Good morning. Your coffee is served just as you like it and - "

"Can you not recite your signature anthem this morning? Please? Not today!" I yelled with a hiss and stood up from the bed.

"Okay, I'm sorry," she apologized and went out.

I had this burning headache and it was so annoying to know that Mr. Nitwit next door was the cause of it. He deserved to be hanged. Seriously.

Tiredly, I walked into the balcony with my coffee in my hand along with Mercedes's phone and just received the cool morning breeze that greeted my face gently.

I leaned on the rail and it cooled my skin softly, sending shivers down my body as the cold rain water slipped gently into my skin, running down my elbow and soaking a portion of my night gown.

"Its so great he's not here," I whispered to myself and sipped the coffee, enjoying the scenery.

Just then, I received a call from Mercedes phone. I stared at Cameron's name buzzing the phone.

I rolled my eyes before picking it and putting him on speaker, placing the phone on the stool and sitting on the hammock.

"Hello, pretty. You sure forgot me," he started cheesily.

"Hi. Sorry, I've just been - so busy," I replied.

"Really? Too busy to call?"

"Yeah, i'm so sorry," I said again.

"With what? The wedding?" he asked.

Shit! What the heck!

"No, Cam- "

He hung up. Shoot!

"Excuse me, ma'am. You'll be late for the retreat. You need to get ready," Banks notified as she walked into the balcony.

"Okay," I replied and got in for a nice warm shower.

I couldn't help but think of Cameron. I felt like a monster. What if I ruined the relationship? What if I killed what they had together?

"Thank you Banks," I said as she fitted me to my outfit.

A peach coloured knee high gown. Short sleeved, and really cute. It had these cute stones at the bottom, a nice silk belt that Banks tied into a little bow. It had a matching jacket. Peach too, and really nice because it was just lace and heavily stoned at the shoulder side.

I stepped into the black wedge and she put on the finishing touches to my makeup. Next was a nice pearl necklace and this pretty charm bracelet. Those should be really expensive.

Gorgeous as always.

"No problem, ma'am. Banks at your service!" she yelped and I grabbed the purse, headed out of the room.

"Oh, its you," I mumbled as Caden walked out of his.

"Me? Don't you think I - "

"Please, not now!" I yelled, trying to lessen my head ache.

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