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*in maths*
Jess's PoV
I think I can finally say that I'm happy! I have the boy that I've loved for lord knows how long. I finally get to see Harvey have a girlfriend and it just so happens to be my best friend so it's even better. At this point I'm just waiting for my injuries to heal and then my life will be almost perfect. Until... I walk in to class and the teacher springs a new seating plan on me...
Teacher- alright you miserable lot listen up! Stand at the back of the classroom and wait for me to call your name and point to you assigned seat for the rest of the term! *he instructs*
*the teacher goes through the seating plan and the finally gets to the last 3 people and yep you guess it, they were all Max's friends*
Teacher- okay! And last but not least. Tommy, Guy and Jess! *he says pointing at a table right in the back*
Guy- sir why does she have to be on our table?
Teacher- because you boys are failing miserably and Jess is an A* student so I thought that maybe she could help you not fail this class *he bellows from the front*
*he calls out the register and then sets them a task to complete and sits at the front reading*
Tommy- hey jess
Jess- what Tommy? Trying to insult me again are you?
Tommy- no I actually feel really bad for that *he whispers so guy couldn't hear him*
Jess- pfft yeah right *she hisses back*
Guy- what are you guys talking about?
Jess- nothing that concerns you Guy
Guy- would you like a shiny black eye to go with that busy lip of yours?
Jess- no. What the fuck?
Guy- then I suggest you keep your mouth shut
Tommy- Guy stop. You know Max hates it when you threaten her and he fucking battered the shit out of you for accidentally hitting her. You're forgetting he has some attachment to her *he warns*
Guy- do you really think I care? He's literally crippled for another 6 weeks and even when he can walk again he has to ease himself into physical activities he can't do anything *he laughs*
Jess- what is wrong with you?! Max is supposed to be your best friend you complete arsehole
Guy- if he was my best friend he wouldn't have defended you that day instead of me
Jess- you're forgetting how long Max has known me
Guy- yeah 14 years *he mimics Jess* like I believe that one
Jess- don't believe me? Here look at this *she says pulling her phone out with a picture of the twins and her as kids*
Guy- what is that?
Jess- Max, Harvey and I on the first day on nursery
Guy- why do you have that? That isn't you! Are you some sort of freak *he tries to embarrass her*
Jess- no. *she then pulls out many more pictures of them growing up all the way up until the last photo they took in year 7* is that enough proof for you?
Guy- *knowing he's been defeated* so what if you've known them 14 years... it still doesn't mean that he can just all of a sudden back you up when you turned your back on him!
Jess- wrong. Why are you always so wrong Guy? If you really must know it was because of my mum why we stopped speaking and it was because my dad left and then when he died the twins came to the funeral and my mum kicked off and said that if they ever spoke to us again then she'd set the house on fire with me and my brother in it *she explains* that's why the twins stopped speaking to me... it was for my safety *she says proving him wrong again*
*guy didn't know what to say after that so he did the only thing he was good at and he reached across the table and punched her straight in the face*
Guy- that's what you get for being so smart mouthed you little whore
*jess gets up and runs away she runs straight out of the school and all the way back home, she runs through the door and up the stairs and locks herself in her room*
Sara- jess hunny? Jess! Is everything okay?!
Jess- I'm fine I-I just don't feel good so I came home!
Sara- okay I'll call the school and tell them where you are!
Jess- thank you!
Sara- no worries hunny!
Text messages between Sara and Max
Mum- hey. Has Jess spoken to you today at all? X
Max- no mum. Why? I've been in the library x
Mum- well she just came running through the front door and straight upstairs she said that she wasn't feeling good. Did she seem okay on the walk to school this morning? X
Max- that's really weird because she was fine this morning she was so happy she was like the happiest I've seen her in a long time x
Mum- I can try and get out of her what's wrong if you'd like me too? So that you don't worry? X
Max- yeah please mum I'll text harvey now and see if he knows anything x
Mum- okay son see you when you get home x
Max- bye x
*end of texts*
Text messages between Max and Harvey
Max- Harvey!
Harvey- Max!
Max- have you spoken to Jess at all today?
Harvey- no first period has only just finished I haven't seen her since she trotted off into school why?
Max- mum just text me saying that Jess came crashing through the front door and flew up the stairs not so long ago and said that she wasn't feeling so good and I was wondering if she'd mentioned anything about it to you
Harvey- no she hasn't and that's really weird because she was so happy this morning
Max- I know I wonder if something happened in first period. Who's in her first period that I can ask?
Harvey- Tommy? Guy? I think Kimber is in her first lesson too
Max- well Kimber won't tell me anything and Guy hates her, the only person that I can think of that she even has the slightest bit of sympathy for is Tommy so I will ask him
Harvey- problem solved
Max- not really because what if the reply isn't good. Harvey I'm in the library if I go fucking mental in here then I'll be closed in there isn't anyway to get out
Harvey- you'll just have to wait until I can get to you and then until you can get to Jess
Max- alright I'll text tommy now
*end of text messages*
Text messages between Max and Tommy
Max- yo! Jess is in your first period right?
Tommy- uh yeah bro why?
Max- well my mum text me saying that she ran through the front door and flew upstairs not so long ago and I was wondering if anything happened in first period today?
Tommy- all i can tell you is that it's something to do with Guy I can't tell you much else Max because he will literally kill me if he knows I've told you
Max- what did he do?! I swear Tommy I will batter him crutches or not if he's hurt her!
Tommy- I'm sorry Max I can't... why are you so protective of her anyway?
Max- why does that matter? I've known her all my life I'm gonna wanna protect her! Thanks for the help anyway bro
Tommy- no worries bro!
*end of text messages*

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