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Harvey's PoV
It's been 3 days and me and Max have gone back to school. Jess hasn't left her room. We take her food up for her and leave it outside her door she's started speaking to Max a little bit even letting him in her room for like half an hour at a time but aside from that she hasn't made anymore progress. She's deleted all of her social media and put posts up saying that she's quitting because the stress is too much for her, dad had to cancel her agent which he didn't mind doing considering the circumstances. Danny can't even get back he's not even going to be back for Christmas let alone Jess's birthday she hasn't spoken to him either Max is having to play messenger. Jess's phone just sits on her night stand dead because she hasn't got the energy to charge it. I hate seeing her like this she's my best friend and Max is barley holding it together he's putting on a brave face but he's my twin brother I can see straight through him. Max and I are all Jess has got at the minuet so we need to be there for her more than ever even though we've never left on our own free will. We will get her through this... we have to not just for our sake but for Danny's if he looses Jess he will never be the same again and neither will Max or I
*ring ring the school bell chimed*
Tommy- has Jess made any more progress?
Harvey- nope
Max- she only just about let's me in her room it's like she's hiding something
Tommy- *suddenly stops walking into the school building* have you checked her arms, wrists, legs? Anywhere it's possible to do any harm?
Max- no she always seems to be wearing my hoodie and joggers. She doesn't really get dressed anymore unless it's into stuff identical to what she already had on
Tommy- when you get home tonight guys you need to check because she might be harming herself
Max- she would have told me
Harvey- no Max remember what Danny said. When she gets like this she doesn't socialise she doesn't speak she goes numb and doesn't open up to anyone you're forgetting Ayla was the one she opened up to after we stopped talking to her because of her mum
Max- fuck sake! I'm such a shit boyfriend! How haven't I noticed?!
Harvey- *puts his hand on his brothers shoulder a long with tommy* I wouldn't have noticed if Danny hadn't told me *he reassures*
Max- you two are honestly the only people keeping me together at the moment and I couldn't thank you enough *he says smiling at them both with tears in his eyes*
Tommy- what are best friends for?
Harvey- Max you're my twin it's in the job description
Max- *slightly chuckles* yeah you guys are right let's just get on with today because the sooner schools over the sooner we can go check on Jess... Tommy do you want to come? Since we've been back at school the only person Jess asks about other than us is you
Tommy- I would love to
Harvey- maybe she might talk to tommy... weird suggestion but maybe we should replace Ayla with Tommy do you think that could work?
Tommy- you mean like let me be the one who she trusts with everything? Let me be the one who's her go to guy? Would that be okay with you Max?
Max- well it's not like I've got anything to be jealous about tommy you're into guys not girls you're just the masculine type that doesn't look gay but is if that makes sense
Tommy- that is so true not a lot of people know I'm gay though only you two and Jess and I would like to keep it that way for now
Harvey- of course! So what do you say?
Tommy- I say yes anything for Jess
Max- thank you
Tommy- she needs help and maybe I'm the one to get through to her *just then his phone buzzes*
*buzz buzz*
Tommy- it's Jess
Harvey- what does it say?
Text messages between tommy and jess
Jess- hey tommy come back with Max and Harvey tonight I've missed you maybe we could catch up a little bit. It won't be for long though I just need a change of person to talk to... don't get me wrong I love the boys and Sara but sometimes it's just nice to have a change x
Tommy- yeah sure me and the lads were just talking about me coming and seeing you before you text me it's like you read our minds x
Jess- I can read minds meeee x
Tommy- I'm gonna have to get to lesson but I'll see you in a few hours x
Jess- indeed you will x
*end of text messages*
Max- it's like she actually knew what was happening
Harvey- maybe she just needed tommy
Tommy- right I don't know about you guys but I actually want to get to class if I don't want a late detention because I actually do wanna get out of school on time to come see jess and see if she talks to me
Max- agreed
Harvey- see you after school then
*the rest of the day dragged by but soon enough the end of school bell went and the boys all walked home*

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora