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Jess's PoV
I feel bad for having a go at my friends like that but I just couldn't help it. I should never have told them about Max and Harvey. I should have just said that I didn't know him when they asked. Urgh I'm so stupid! And now I've left them standing in the school driveway confused and probably annoyed at me because of one of my own stupid mistakes! *RING* shit I better get to class or Mr Bass is literally going to rip my head off and eat it in front of the whole class.
*jess bursts in through the doors of the classroom*
Mr Bass- ahhh Jessica nice of you to finally join us! Now go stand at the back of the classroom we have a new seating plan! *he instructs*
Jess- *to herself* oh great
*Mr Bass reads out the names until he finally gets to the last table and there was only 5 people left and yes you guessed it, Jess and Harvey were 2 of them*
Mr Bass- now I want you to sit in this exact order. Kaitlin, Luca, Jess, Harvey and Tommy! *he instructs again*
Jess's PoV
Great! Now not only have I been split up from the people that I get along with in that class but I've but say literally next to Harvey Mills! And before I didn't think my day could get any worse Tommy Hitcher one of Max's best friends gets put on the same table! Someone actually kill me! My thoughts get interrupted by someone kicking my leg under the table, I looked and it was Tommy.
Tommy- pssst
Jess- what do you want Tommy?
Tommy- I heard what you said about Max today on the way to school
*harvey shifts a little in his seat when hearing Max's name*
Jess- *puts her hand on his under the table he tenses a little at first but then relaxes and she carries on speaking to Tommy* yeah what about it?
Tommy- well it was me that shouted that you shouldn't be so sure of that *he says kind of proudly*
Jess- uhm okay? Your point being?
Tommy- he does stare at you a lot in PE and when you're doing dance. I've always wondered why that is to be honest and I've always wondered why Harvey gives dirty looks to everyone but you I mean he's kind of a freak and lives in Max's shadow but maybe both of the twins have the hots for you *he states*
*harvey tensed again because no one knew about our past and Jess could feel her anger boiling*
Jess- do you know what Tommy? You know fuck all about me or the boys clearly and Max is meant to be your best friend. Harvey can hear everything you're saying right now he is sat right next to you. Have some respect! If you must fucking know me and the boys have known each other from being 2 years old we were best friends all the way from then up until half way through year 7. And before you say no one knows about that or that you didn't know, that is because no one actually cared to pay enough attention to the fact that we were all lost without each other I mean Max wasn't exactly himself and hasn't been all these years and if you haven't noticed that about him that you're not a good friend! And Harvey well Harvey doesn't even fucking speak anymore and as for saying that he lives in his brothers shadow you couldn't be more wrong because you don't know him like I do. And me well tommy you know fuck all about me you've only started speaking to me recently because of Max. It took me ages to find friends so before you go saying that shit about us check your facts!
Tommy- *taken back by everything she had just said* I'm so sorry Jess I had no idea
Jess- like I said no one cared to pay enough attention
*the rest of the lesson flew by and before they knew it the bell had rung to let them out for second period*
*jess was walking in the corridor when she felt and arm tug on her sweatshirt she turned around and saw that it was Harvey*
Jess- harvey? *she says confused*
Harvey- y-yes c-can I speak to you? *he says stumbling over his words*
Jess- yeah sure, what's wrong?
Harvey- n-not here
Jess- then where?
Harvey- walk home with me after school?
Jess- okay Harvey I will *she pauses for a moment* we have some catching up to do anyway *she says with a warm smile*
Harvey- yes we do *he says smiling at jess's contagious smile*
*after school*
Ayla- Jess wait!
*jess stops in her tracks*
Kimber- where are you off to?
Jess- I'm walking home with Harvey tonight he stopped me after history and asked me if we could talk
Ayla- okay but first we need to ask you something
Jess- what's that?
Kimber- did you really stand up to Tommy and tell him about your past?
Jess- not all of it I just told him that us guys used to be friends and then obviously Max got popular, I was mainly sticking up for Harvey because he was being a right dickhead toward him
Kimber- ahh we see
Ayla- Kimber stop being so blunt she's our best friend
Kimber- I'm sorry I guess I'm just annoyed because we promised that we wouldn't keep secrets from each other and you never told us about Max and Harvey
Jess- I know and I'm sorry but it never got brought up so I didn't think that it was important to you guys
Ayla- it's fine! Now go and speak to Harvey
Kimber- yeah we love you bye
Jess- I love you guys too!
*she walks off and finds Harvey in the middle of all Max's mates getting pushed around*
Jess- *runs over* hey! What do you think you're doing?
Tommy- oh your girlfriend coming to the rescue again Harvey? *he mocks*
Jess- I'm not his girlfriend
*one of the guys throws a punch and she pushes Harvey out of the way and gets hit herself*
Max- what the fuck do you guys think you're doing?!
Tommy- you told us to toughen your brother up
Max- I didn't mean fucking bully him and push him around like that *he notices Someone on the floor* what did you guys do? *jess then turns around and he realises who it is* jess? What are you doing here?
Jess- well *she says removing her hand from her bust up bleeding lip* I saw Harvey getting pushed around by these freaks and I guess my fight or flight just took over
Max- *realises the state they have made her and hits the roof* you guys are actually disgusting! Hitting a girl!
Guy- we didn't mean to she pushed Harvey out of the way the stupid bitch!
Max- right! So you were trying to punch my brother which is even worse and she's not a bitch she's my fucking best friend!
Tommy- so she wasn't lying then?
Max- what are you talking about?
Tommy- today she blew up at me in History saying that you guys were best friends from being 2 and that you've change and so has she and Harvey, I just thought she was annoyed because I called Harvey a freak and she was sticking up for him
Max- you called Harvey a freak? Mate you're digging yourself an even deeper hole *he laughs with annoyance*
*suddenly max starts fighting some of them back off while others jump in, surprisingly he did more damage to them than they did to him*
Max- *pulls Jess up from the floor* come on you guys let's go home

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now