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Ayla- what do you think that thing with Harvey is all about?
Jess- I don't know I thought he'd tell you I mean you are his girlfriend
Ayla- and you're his best friend
Jess- and Max is his twin brother and he hasn't even told him. He just went really weird in history and then said that
Ayla- tell me what happens?
Jess- I will but like I told Max if he swears me to secrecy then I can't because I'm not breaking his trust like that
Ayla- I 100% understand *she says with a warm smile and a hug with Jess*
Jess- you're so understanding Ayla I actually love you so much
Ayla- I love you too Jess now let's get on with this dance shall we *she says getting up and then pulling Jess up after*
Boys PE teacher- Mills! Stop starring at Jess!
Max- sorry sir!
*both girls burst out laughing*
*after dance Jess walks to where Harvey asked her to but suddenly gets pulled behind a shed in the grounds*
Jess- *starts panicking but then sees that it's Harvey* Harvey what the fuck?! *she whisper shouts* you frightened the life out of me
Harvey- I'm sorry
Jess- now what's all this about Harvey you're scaring me not to mention Ayla and Max and poor Tommy is confused as fuck *she states*
Harvey- follow me *he says grabbing her hand and pulling her in the direction of the woods*
Jess's PoV
We have been walking for what feels like forever when I start recognising where we're going. It's the old tree fort that my dad made for us. But why is Harvey taking me there? What is he planning? Whats supposed to make sense when he shows me? I have so many questions but I guess I'm going to find out
Jess- Harvey why are we here?
Harvey- remember when we used to come here to talk? Just me and you? When Max was busy or when we just wanted some me and you time? Well I need to talk to you and this just feels like the right place to do it
Jess- Harvey why didn't you just tell me that? I've been terrified all day *she says with a sigh of relief*
Harvey- because it's a swear to secrecy type of thing
Jess- ohhh right come on spill what's going on in that head of yours Harv?
Harvey- well I'm thinking about giving Ayla a promise ring, don't say anything just yet let me finish, I've been with her almost 5 months but I honestly feel like she's my soulmate but I don't know how to tell her that, we tell each other that we love each other and we both mean it but do you think that love is strong enough for her to accept this from me *he says while pulling out a promise ring from his pocket*
Jess- oh my god Harvey! That's so cute! Of course she will accept I know Ayla better than anyone and she is head over heals in love with you. She doesn't shut up about you I mean she calls you and Max "our boys" I've never seen her like this about anyone before so of course I think she will say yes I have a really strong feeling about it!
Harvey- I'm so happy I can speak to you about things like this
Jess- *puts her hands on Harvey's shoulders* you can always talk to me about anything Harvey I'm always here for you, you don't need to question that. I'm not going anywhere ever again you're stuck with me *she says pulling him into a hug*
Harvey- you're honestly the most amazing best friend anyone could ever ask for and I'm so proud I can call you my best friend *he smiles*
Jess- Harvey when are you going to give it to her?
Harvey- I was thinking that maybe you could help me. I need you to start a live on Instagram and tell her to be in it with you and then I will come from behind you guys and do it but I also want Max to be there and I know the fans will capture the reaction because they're good with stuff like that
Jess- consider it done. When do you want this to happen?
Harvey- our 5 month
Jess- Harvey your 5 month is when mine and Max's is you guys got together on the same day as us
Harvey- shit yeah do you guys have any plans?
Jess- not that I'm aware of
Harvey- I can make Ayla think that I've forgotten not say anything all day and then do it on the live how does that sound?
Jess- that sounds amazing I will text you and let you know when it's happening and what time and stuff so you can prepare yourself
Harvey- thank you so much Jess you have no idea how much this means to me! *he throws his arms around her*
Jess- let's head home now Harvey your mum is going to be wondering where we are plus your dad said he was sorting out an agent for me today so I was meant to go straight home
Harvey- shit yeah!
*they both walk home in a comfortable silence*

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now