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*arriving at the party*
Tommy- *opens the door* hey guys! *notices max* oh hey Max I didn't think you would come
Max- you're my best friend tommy and besides Jess trusts you and I trust Jess so that's also why I'm here
Jess- *hugs tommy* okay you boys play nice me and Ayla are going to get some drinks we will bring you two something back
Harvey- okay
Ayla- Harvey make sure your brother and tommy play nice
Max- we can hear you Ayla
Tommy- like Max said we're best friends we will find a way through this
Max- correct
Harvey- I'm staying out of this *he says while looking down at his phone*
Jess- we will be back in 5 and if we're not... send the search party *she jokes while grabbing Ayla's hand and leading her to the kitchen*
*in the kitchen*
Ayla- do you think Max and Tommy are actually gonna get a long tonight?
Jess- only time will tell Ayla I hope they do I mean they were really good friends before I can a long again *she looks at the floor*
Ayla- you better not be blaming yourself for this Jess! Guy is an arsehole he's the one that got between Tommy and Max not you! You would still be friends with them if it wasn't for your mum saying what she said! So don't even go blaming yourself Max and Tommy will sort this out I promise you!
Jess- thank you Ayla I really needed that
Ayla- always you're my best friend and I love you like a sister so I'm here and I'm never leaving *she said while hugging her*
Kimber- urgh! Lesbians! What would your precious boys say if they knew that you were hugging at Tommy's party and telling each other how much you love each other! *she cackles*
Ayla- if you weren't fucking deaf you'd know that I told her that I love her like a sister and for your information best friends do this shit! You wouldn't know because you don't have any real fucking friends Kimber you only have little followers that are too scared to tell you no! *she finally blurts out after months of holding it back*
Jess- come on Ayla! Let's go take these drinks to the boys *she says while pushing Ayla toward the living room and trying to walk past Kimber and her followers herself*
Kimber- *slaps the drinks out of her hands and laughs* awe poor Jess better get cleaning *she cackles again*
Jess- *tries to walk away but Kimber stands in front of her* Move Kimber!
Kimber- or what? What are you gonna do? Set the boys on me? *she pretends to cry*
Jess- no I'm not because unlike me the boys don't like wasting there time on silly pathetic people like you who always look to start a fight with someone for no reason so just do us all a favour and fuck off!
Kimber- if the boys don't like wasting their time with silk pathetic girls then why are they spending their time with you?
Harvey- because you stuck up little bitch! This "pathetic" "silly" girl is our best friend and has been for almost 15 years so if you have a problem with her
Max- you have a problem with us *he says finishing Harvey's sentence*
Kimber- awww look the little boys are defending their pathetic excuse of a friend
Ayla- I'm sorry hunny but you used to be our pathetic excuse of a friend and we didn't complain we tried to include you in EVERYTHING but you NEVER liked what we did UNTIL Jess told us about Max and Harvey that day that's when you started paying attention to things we did! Wait you told me something... ahh yes I remember now... the reason why you don't like Jess is because you have a huge crush on Max and he can't stand you and he loves every inch of her *she bursts out laughing*
Max- uhh *he says scratching the back of his neck* yeah sorry Kimber but you're not my type Jess is though *he says while slipping his arm around her waist*
Kimber- how dare you Ayla! I trusted you!
Jess- oh so you're not denying it then?
Kimber- I've had a crush on Max for years and the only way that I could have gotten to him was through you because I knew Max had some weird obsession with you! He should be mine not yours!
Jess- what the fuck?! You're a psycho Kimber you need to get that checked out!
Kimber- you watch Jess! Max and Harvey are both going to hate you one day! I will make sure of it!
*suddenly Tommy comes bursting into the room*
Tommy- oi Kimber you psycho bitch get out of my house and stay away from my friends! *he laughs while opening the door and gesturing for her to leave*
Kimber- urgh! Come on girls!
Tommy- no girls you're fine to stay you guys haven't actually done anything wrong and you seem kind of chill *he points out* only Kimber has to leave you don't need to worry about her or what's going to happen to you, you guys have each other and us so you don't need her *he says*
Kerry- yeah Kimber I actually do want to say, we shouldn't not be able to have fun just because you're mad that your crush has got with one of your old friends which may I add seems like a very nice girl who doesn't deserve your shit *she lets out a sigh of relief after saying that*
Bethany- yeah I think the same
Lucy- me too and that's me thinking my own thing and doing what I want I don't need to follow your instructions anymore I am my own person!
Kimber- urgh! You guys are bitches I never liked you anyway I can find new friends you watch when we go back to school on Monday! *she screams while leaving the house*
Jess- thank you girls and nothing will happen to you on Monday and you're not bitches you seem really nice and she can't find new friends so when she comes crawling back don't take her! You have us!
Bethany- thank you! I've been dying to get out from under her grasp for ages but it's never seemed like the right time
Ayla- well now is the right time you guys go have fun you know where we are if you need us *she smiles*
*the girls walk away*
Max- well I have no idea about how to feel on this whole situation *he says really confused*
Harvey- neither I didn't think it would escalate to this I just saw Kimber and Jess speaking and thought that it wouldn't be good so I got you and we came over to see what was happening I didn't think she had a weird obsession with you Max *he chuckles*
Jess- well I'm not worried! Because I know that Max wouldn't leave me for anyone let alone her! *she points out*
Max- now that is very true *he states*
Tommy- enjoy the rest of the party I will keep a look out if she tries to come back in *he reassures*
*they go about the rest of the party in peace*

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now