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*the two of them get back home*
Paul- where have you guys been?!
Harvey- at the fort that Jess's dad built when we were kids
Paul- oh it was that serious huh?
Harvey- yes
Paul- Harvey would you like to go and play with Tilly or go and speak to your brothers I need to speak to Jess for a moment
Harvey- of course *he looks at Jess and mouths* good luck
*Harvey leaves*
Paul- now you will be happy to know that I've found you an agent and she seems like a lovely women she's around 25 and is good at her job she's busy at the moment but she said that she would give us a call when she isn't so that she can come and meet you so that you can both get to know each other. How does that sound?
Jess- that sounds great
*buzz buzz*
Paul- I will tell you when she calls
*buzz buzz*
Jess- thank you Paul
*buzz buzz*
Paul- yeah you might wanna get that it seems important
*buzz buzz*
Jess- thank you again and yes I will
*she walks out of her room and sees the 4 text messages from Ayla*
Ayla- Jess I need your help
Ayla- Jess like now!!!
Ayla- helloooo!!
Ayla- Jess this is important now isn't the time to be ignoring me!!!
Jess- I'm back what's wrong bloody hell!
Ayla- where have you been?!
Jess- Paul was telling me about the agent that he's sorted out for me but seriously what's wrong?
Ayla- I need you to meet me
Jess- where? It's getting dark you know
Ayla- oh please like that's ever bothered you before
Jess- true
Ayla- meet me at the wreck in 20 minuets it's important
Jess- okay see you soon
*end of text messages*
*Jess runs upstairs in a panic until someone's body stops her in her tracks*
Max- jess baby what's wrong? Why are you in such a rush?
Jess- can't talk need to get ready. Ayla needs me. Needs to talk. Important! *she says while out of breath getting up and running into her room to get changed*
Max- what a strange girl *he chuckles to himself*
*Jess gets changed quickly into some leggings and one of Max's jumpers and slides on her vans and runs out of her room again grabbing her phone off of her night stand in the process until she crashes into someone again*
Harvey- jess are you okay? What's wrong?
Jess- Ayla needs me. Needs to talk. Important. Nearly late. Can't talk! *she says while getting up once again out of breath and running down the stairs and out of the house not even giving Harvey time to question*
Harvey- what was all that about? *he asks himself*
*he walks downstairs*
Harvey- okay the weirdest thing just happened *he addresses while walking into the living room to Max*
Max- let me guess Jess was in a rush she said one word sentences to you before rushing off in the other direction very out of breath and as flustered as anything?
Harvey- yeah how'd you know?
Max- well by the sounds of it you bumped into her on the way out of her bedroom correct?
Harvey- yeah?
Max- well I bumped into her on the way into her bedroom she was running up the stairs like a mad woman and wasn't watching where she was going she also gave me one word answers and said something about Ayla and didn't actually explain anything
Harvey- she's so confusing sometimes
Max- Harvey are you not worried?
Harvey- why?
Max- because it's about Ayla
Harvey- no because I know that if it's something bad she'd tell me
Max- true
*at the wreck*
Jess- *running at this point spots Ayla and runs even faster toward her* Ayla!!! *she finally gets there panting like a dog when she stops*
Ayla- *looking at her in tears* you ran all this way for me?
Jess- what's wrong? *she says while plonking herself down on the bench beside her best friend*
Ayla- I don't know how to say this so I'm just going to come straight out with it... *she inhaled deeply and the exhales* Jess I'm moving away *she finally says*
Jess- *pauses for a moment* w-where?
Ayla- America *she sobs* my dad got a new job and doesn't want to leave us behind so we're all moving to be closer as a family instead of my dad just going backward and forward between countries on holidays and breaks and stuff
*in that moment Jess felt like her whole world was crumbling. The fame didn't matter to her anymore. Her grades didn't matter to her anymore. Her own brother didn't matter to her at that moment in time. She was loosing her best friend and she felt like a piece of her had just been shattered right in front of her eyes and she couldn't do anything about it*
Ayla- Jess please say something
Jess- *with tears rolling down her cheeks* when did you find out?
Ayla- when I got home from school
Jess- what about Harvey
Ayla- that's the worst part... I have to break up with him. My parents said that it would be for the best so that I can focus on my work and making new friends over there. My mum said "You're a pretty, funny, smart and smiley girl Ayla you can find another boy out there besides you have America boys are so attractive over there" and she's right not about the attractive part but about the fact that I need to focus on making new friends and my work but I will never forget you Jess. *she says while throwing her arms around her best friend*
Jess- *cries even harder* when are you leaving *she finally manages to blurt out*
Ayla- next week on Monday but I'm not gonna be in school because I have to pack and help my parents so this is the last time that you're ever going to see me or for a while at least
Jess- but how are you going to tell harvey?
Ayla- I was hoping you would do that for me
Jess- I cant do that I can't break his heart
Ayla- it will be easier coming from you it's going to be too hard for me... Jess it was hard enough for me telling you *she sobs*
Jess- fine I'll tell him *she finally gives in*
Ayla- thank you and give him this *she says taking the chain that she always wears from around her neck and passing her a note to give to Harvey*
Jess- okay and id like you to have this so that you never forget me *she says while pulling a bracelet that her dad gave her from around her wrist and passing it to Ayla*
Ayla- I cant take that your dad gave it you
Jess- I have many things from my dad that he's given me plus you always liked it and it's dear to me so I might as well give it to a person that is just as dear to me *she smiles through tears*
Ayla- *takes the bracelet and puts it around her wrist and smiles* thank you *she whispers* I have to go *she says after a long pause*
Jess- okay can we walk to the gates together?
Ayla- yes
*they walk to the gates in silence and then when they get there they give each other one last hug and part ways for the last time and in that moment Jess's world had truly fallen apart*

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now