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*outside the school gates*
Kimber- woah Jess those people really did a number on you! I didn't actually think that you would jump in in fact I didn't even think you would go! *she laughs*
Jess- I'm not stupid you set it up, I mean why else would you tell me to go
Kimber- guess I didn't have to do much work on you
Jess- can you leave me alone now please?
*Kimber starts walking towards Jess but Ayla comes out of nowhere*
Ayla- I'm sorry is there a problem here? *she looks Kimber up and down*
Kimber- no there's no problem *she says while turning around and walking away*
Jess- okay why is she so scared of you?
Ayla- I threatened her that if she ever touched you guys or came up to you guys or got people to do it for her then I would tell her mum everything she did last summer
Jess- ohhh that's some very bad shittt
Ayla- exactly *she laughs* I also said I'd leak the photos
Jess- ooo that's deep
Ayla- you can thank me later *she jokes*
Jess- you really are my best friend Ayla *she smiles*
Ayla- and you really are mine too *she carefully hugs Jess*
Harvey- was that Kimber I just saw?
Jess- yeah Harv but you don't need to worry Ayla sorted it *she smiles at him*
Harvey- okay just making sure
Ayla- I better go I'll see you guys tomorrow
Both- bye!
Jess- okay where's max?
Harvey- he got mum to come pick him up because his legs giving him a lot of pain apparently
Jess- or he's just avoiding me because he's had painkillers all day, I walked past the library and I saw him taking them
Harvey- okay okay... yes he's avoiding you
Jess- thought so *she says looking at the ground*
Harvey- why were you walking past the library anyway? You didn't have any lessons up there today
Jess- okay I was checking on him without him actually being aware that I was checking on him *she admits*
Harvey- I'm sure he would appreciate that
*they walked in silence the rest of the way home*
Harvey- mum we're home!
Sara- okay! I'm putting tea on soon so just do whatever until I call you! *she shouts from the kitchen*
Harvey- okay thanks!
Sara- is Jess with you?!
Jess- yeah I'm here
Sara- okay darling
*Jess sees max in the living room but instead of trying she walked straight past and went to her room she could feel him looking at her as she walked past but she decided that if he wasn't going to make an effort then neither would she*
*45 minuets later*
Sara- kids food!
*in the dining room*
Paul- so how was school?
Jess- it was pretty good actually. Where's Danny?
*Sara and Paul exchange glances*
Paul- he had to leave early Jess he said that he's sorry he couldn't tell you but he'll call you when he can and he also said that it might be longer than 6 months so he doesn't know when he will be back...
Jess- what? Why couldn't he tell me this himself?
Sara- he had to leave early this morning sweetie and that's why he didn't tell you
Jess- oh okay. May I be excused?
Sara- sure honey...
*Jess leaves the table*
*max gets up and grabs his crutches and follows her*
*knock knock*
Jess- who is it?
Max- it's max
Jess- what do you want?
Max- can I come in
Jess- I suppose
*Max enters the room*
Jess- why are you all of a sudden so interested in me? You've been avoiding me since we got out of hospital Max
Max- I haven't been avoiding you
Jess- so why did you get a lift home from your mum instead of walking? In fact don't answer that Harvey told me
Max- he did?
Jess- yes max! So why the fuck are you so interested now?
Max- do you really wanna know why I've been avoiding you?! I don't want you to get hurt jess, I'm the popular guy and the "bad boy" I don't wanna ruin your life like I've almost already done! Yes I feel the same way as you I love you Jess *he says with his eyes filling with tears* but I'm going to ruin you! And I love you too much to do that!
*Jess goes silent and finally opens her mouth and says....*

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now