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*Jess walks through the door of the Mills house and leans on it and slides to the floor while crying*
Sara- Jess? *sees her and rushes over* Jess hunny what's wrong? *she crouches down* do you want me to shout the boys?
Jess- n-no please don't *were the only words she could manage to blurt out*
Sara- okay just breath. In through your nose out through your mouth. Look at me and copy what I'm doing
*after she's calmed down*
Sara- would you like to tell me what's wrong?
Jess- Ayla... she's moving to America next Monday she found out straight after she got home from school today but that's not the worst part... she wants me to break up with Harvey for her because she can't do it... it was hard enough for her to tell me... she gave me this note and her necklace that she always wears to give Harvey so that he remembers her... Sara I don't know how I'm going to tell him *she starts to cry again*
Sara- oh sweetie *she says pulling her into a hug and resting her chin on Jess's head* you've been through so much... would you like me to tell the boys for you?
Jess- no I've got to do this myself it's what Ayla wanted me to do I just need a moment and then I will go up and tell them
Sara- okay I will leave you to collect yourself... they're both in Harvey's room when you're ready just go up
Jess- okay thank you *she smiles through tears*
*5 minuets later*
*jess finally makes her way upstairs*
*knock knock*
Harvey- who is it?
Jess- *tries to act fine* it's me!
Harvey- Max is in here too come in!
*Jess takes a deep breath and enters the room mentally preparing herself for what's about to happen*
Max- *notices straight away that Jess has been crying* Jess what's wrong? Why have you been crying?
Harvey- *pauses the game* have you and Ayla fallen out?
Jess- *tears start falling again*
Max- hey it's okay sit down and tell us what happened *he says gesturing her toward the bed*
*2 minutes later*
Harvey- okay Jess you're scaring us now what's happened?
Jess- *takes a deep breath and begins* Ayla is moving away to America and she's moving next Monday she won't be in school because she needs this week to pack and help her parents she only found this out today after school which is why I was in such a rush because that's what she needed to tell me
Harvey- *tears streaming down his face* w-what? I need to call her *he starts fumbling for his phone*
Jess- *grabs his hands* no don't Harvey because that's not the worst part... she's breaking up with you... her parents thought that it would be a good idea because she needs to focus on making new friends and her work but she gave me this to give you *she rummages through her bag and pulls out the note and Ayla's necklace and hands it to him*
Harvey- *looks down at the things just handed to him* Jess I swear to god if this is some sick prank you better tell me *he says sounding annoyed with tears still streaming down his face* where are the cameras Jess *he says walking around his room*
Max- Harvey calm down this isn't a prank Jess wouldn't go this far and you know that!
Harvey- Jess please tell me you're joking! Tell me it's a prank!
Jess- I'm sorry Harvey
Harvey- *looses it* give me my phone! I need to call her! I need to stop her!
Jess- Harvey there's no point she's blocked your number she doesn't want it to be any harder than it already is! And you can't stop her you're 16 what is she supposed to do she won't survive without her parents!
Harvey- well I need to do something *he says while lunging to get his phone out of Jess's hand and hitting her across the face while he's at it*
Max- Harvey what the fuck!? *he stands up ready to fight*
Jess- Max stop! *she says while standing in the middle of the two boys* let's just go *she says while pushing Max out of the room tears streaming down her face again*
*Max and Jess go into Max's room*
Jess- Max how are you so calm? *she asks while looking up at him from their hug that they some how managed to be in when they got into his room*
Max- because I wasn't really close with her. Don't get me wrong yes I am upset but I didn't know her enough to cry which I don't really cry much anyway. I will miss her Jess and I will be there for you and Harvey I promise I'm not going anywhere I love you Jess
Jess- I love you too Max *they stood in silence still in the hug until Jess finally breaks it* Max can I stay with you tonight?
Max- of course you can... I've been waiting for you to ask that since you moved in *he slightly chuckled*
Jess- *breaks the hug and lays on the bed* I've had such a long day and my eyes are heavy and puffy from crying I think I'm gonna sleep is that okay?
Max- yeah of course... I'll get you some joggers out though you can't sleep in those
*Max got Jess some joggers and helped her get changed because she was weak from crying he laid her on his chest until she fell asleep just as he was dozing off he got a text message from his mum*
Text messages between Sara and Max
Mum- hey how's Jess? she was in such a mess when she walked through the door x
Max- I think she's okay. She's just putting on a brave face x
Mum- I've spoken to Danny and he said to keep a close eye on her because Ayla was the one helping Jess get through her depression and anxiety and now she's gone Jess is going to go through a downward spiral he told me to keep her off school for 2 weeks because that's what the doctor said would be best for her when she's goes through these things and I'm just going off what he's said because he's her brother so then your alarms off on your phones I've told Harvey to do the same, none of you are going into school tomorrow but Jess won't be going back for a while x
Max- okay mum thanks for telling me x
Mum- night Max x
Max- night mum x

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now