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*Harvey and Ayla get to school and there's a huge commotion going on in the grounds so they rush to see what's happening and the see Kimber and Jess fighting*
Kimber- you bitch! First you lied to us and now your bestie is stealing mine! You deserved what guy did to you! *she says while smashing her hand across Jess's face*
Jess- I'm not going to fight you! Kimber this has been going to happen for a long time no you should have checked your actions before you did them and there's a difference between lying and no one knowing. You never fucking asked! No one did! He's not my best friend! Not anymore! *she said with tears rolling rapidly down her cheeks* neither of them are!
*suddenly before she knew it both boys were stood at her side a long with Ayla who was really confused*
Harvey- yes we are! We never left! *harvey exclaims while putting his hand in hers*
Max- *looking at all of his so called friends* y-yes Harvey is right *he says looking deep into her eyes and putting his arm over her shoulders*
Ayla- I'm with the boys *she finally says looking Kimber dead in the eye*
*the crowd breaks away slowly knowing that Kimber isn't winning this fight*
Jess- *looks at the boys* thanks guys. You can go now, I know you didn't mean it, Ayla stay with them if you'd like, I'm going to lesson. *she says sounding really down and walking off*
Ayla- right you boys better tell me what the fuck happened between you three like now! Because there was more than just max getting popular involved with you three splitting apart I mean she won't even talk about the good times with you guys!
Harvey- *looks at Max* Max... someone has to know
Max- library, lunchtime, tell no one *he looks at the pair and then walks back off to his friends*
Ayla- it's weird how they all stay friends even after what happened yesterday. Jess's face is a mess you'd think Max would care after 14 years of friendship
Harvey- you'll find out at lunchtime *he says deciding to leave her with many more questions and go to his first period*
*Ayla and Jess had dance and Max had GCSE PE and Harvey had drama*
*in the gym*
Teacher- right guys so the dance teacher is sick today so girls you're paired up with us were doing dodge ball I will pick your teams and no we cannot do girls vs boys
*he puts them all on the same team and Ayla and Jess are separated. Ayla is on a team with Max and Jess is on a team with guy, the one who hit her not meaning to*
Ayla- Jess! Look out!
*suddenly a ball comes flying toward her and hits her on the head and she falls backward on to the floor. The teacher blows the whistle to stop the game*
Teacher- you alright kid?
Jess- yeah I'm fine
*just then Max came running over*
Max- Jess *he says crouching down to her level* are you okay? And don't forget I know when you're lying so tell the truth *he says softly looking into her eyes*
Jess- yeah I'm fine *she says falling for a moment into his eyes and she then snaps out of it* couldn't be as bad as what one of your friends did to me *she says pointing at her lip*
Max- *bites his tongue and gets up and goes back to his side*
Ayla- *whom was already by Jess's side before max came over* come with me
*Ayla tells the coach she is taking Jess to the main office to get her head looked at but they never actually went*
Jess- what?
Ayla- okay bitch *she finally says* what's wrong with you?
Jess- n- *she starts to say and then Ayla cuts her off*
Ayla- don't even say nothing! You completely freaked in there! You guys need to tell me what's going on and you need to tell me now! I'm so fucking confused Jess!
Jess- it's not worth talking about *she says with her eyes filled with tears while walking to the changing room to get changed*
*lunchtime in the library*
Ayla- okay! I've had enough! Someone better tell me what the fuck is going on before I start to scream! *she whisper shouts*
Harvey- *tries to begin but she cuts him off*
Ayla- no Harvey. I want to hear it from Max. *she says sternly*
Max- why me?
Ayla- because of what happened in the gym earlier today with you guys. It's obvious it's not Harvey's fault it's yours *she snaps*
Max- okay okay *he says putting his hands up in defence* so you know that we've all be best friends since we were 2 years old. Well when her dad left her mum changed and blamed her and her brother Danny for him leaving, she acts as though she hates them now and that's why she never has friends over. One day when we were at school when I was getting "popular" her whole life fell apart her dad well he overdosed and killed him self because he couldn't take the guilt of his kids taken the blame for the fact that he left. She's never told anyone that. To her. He just left their family. Not left his life. Me and Harvey we were there for her and we went to her dads funeral with her and her mum was screaming at her and Danny blaming them in front of everyone there. So our mum went over and tried to calm the situation down. They ended up fighting and her mum said that she'd have to stay away from me and Harvey because were "bad influences" that's why Harvey stopped speaking all together and I went off the rails and was the "bad boy". Ayla I don't just check her out in PE and stuff I've loved her for many many years as more than friends and she doesn't know that. No one did. And then when I saw that it was her that Guy hit I went mental but I still have to stay away from her me and Harvey both do. *he looks at Harvey and scowls because it was Harvey's idea to talk to her again in the first place*
Ayla- what will happen if you don't?
Harvey- you didn't hear the threats that she was making at that funeral Ayla *he reassures*
Ayla- tell me. I know everything else so I might as well know this
Harvey- she said that she would set the house on fire with Jess and Danny in it if she ever found out that Jess was speaking to us again. That's why she didn't want to bring up the past Ayla
Ayla- and now because of Kimber it's all come back up *she says as sudden realisation sets in*
Max- believe me I would give anything to hug her like when we were kids to have her in my arms when she used to fall asleep on me even when she didn't mean to. I give anything to be able to tell her how I feel but it will just complicate things. Now can we do each other a favour and forget that this conversation ever happened *he huffs and walks off*
*the rest of the day dragged and no one said a word to each other*

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now