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*beep beep beep*
Jess- *slams her hand on the alarm clock next to her bed and opens her eyes* urgh... time to get ready I guess *she looks down at Max who is still sleeping smiles and then shakes him gently* Max baby wake up *she whispers*
Max- huh? What time is it? *he groans*
Jess- it's 7:30 time to get up and get ready for school babe
Max- *rolls over the face her and smiles* morning to you too babe *he chuckles and then gets up to get his uniform on and do his hair*
Jess- your uniforms in here?
Max- yes I thought I'd bring it in so it saves me from walking around and waking Tilly up
Jess- you're so considerate *she giggles*
*they both get ready for school and Jess does some light makeup brushes her hair and teeth and grabs her bag from her desk chair*
Jess- ready?
Max- yes
*they walk out of her room and downstairs to see Harvey waiting by the door*
Harvey- Jess you're coming to school?
Jess- yeah sorry I didn't tell you last night I had a huge realisation and actually fell asleep smiling for once
Harvey- well that's good to hear *he says while throwing his arms around her and pulling her into a hug*
Max- where's tommy?
Harvey- he said that he'll meet us on the corner because he's running a bit late this morning. He didn't go to sleep until late last night because his little sister was poorly and he was helping his mum to look after her *he explains*
Jess- classic Tommy always taking care of other people
Max- *looks at Harvey* she's not wrong
Harvey- well we better go we don't want to keep him waiting
Max- bye mum!
Sara- see you later kids!
*walking with tommy now*
Tommy- hey guys... hey jess?
Jess- oh don't look too happy to see me tommy *she jokes*
Tommy- no I am happy I just didn't think you were coming back to school until after Christmas
Jess- Sara and my brother thought that it would be a good idea to do a 3 day week just so that I'm not stuck in the house all the time *she explains*
Tommy- well that's actually really good. Plus Mr Bass has been asking about you wondering where you are and why you're missing so many of his lessons I think he misses picking on you *he laughs*
Jess- well we have him second period today *she laughs* so he will see me then
Max- what lesson do you have first?
Jess- *face palms* science
Tommy- it's alright I'll come sit next to you
Jess- you're literally the only person that's been keeping me sane in that lesson *she laughs*
*ring ring*
Harvey- well that's the bell Jess? Tommy? I'll see you in second period. Max were in the same science lesson
Max- wait we have science?
Harvey- yes the whole year has science together *he tuts and rolls his eyes*
*they walk into school and make their way to their first lesson*
*in science*
Teacher- ahhh Jessica nice of you to show your face
Jess- uh yeah I guess
Tommy- Mrs that's so disrespectful you know why she's been off
Jess- it's okay Tommy just leave it. It's not affecting me *she smiles*
Teacher- sit at the front. Tommy you sit next to her. I need to keep an eye on you both *she instructs*
*they follow the instructions they have been given and sit down*
*knock knock*
Teacher- come in!
Kimber- I've been moved into this class Mrs
Teacher- ah you must be Kimber
Kimber- yes
Teacher- well take a seat behind Jess for me please
Kimber- yeah okay
Tommy- *to Jess* fuck sake... you're gonna be okay I promise
Jess- I know
Teacher- will you two stop talking. Jessica you have only been back less than 10 minutes and you're already causing disruptions!
Jess- sorry Mrs
*the rest of the lesson dragged Jess was getting a mixture of mild threats from the teacher and dirty looks from Kimber until the bell finally went and tommy pulled her out of the classroom*
Jess- Tommy slow downnnn
Tommy- no I'm getting you out of there as fast as possible because that shit that was just going on in there was not fair she was picking on you for fuck all and if looks could kill Kimber would have killed you by now
Jess- Tommy it's not bothering me I basically ruined Kimber's life because she no longer has any friends anymore and she's not Mrs popular and the teacher well she's always been like that with me she just seems to have gotten worse since I've been off but I can deal with it *she explains*
Tommy- still the boys and I do not want you going through what you've just gone through again so please just let me look after you me and the boys made that promise to each other *he says looking into her eyes while pleading with her*
Jess- okay fine I'll let you guys be my rescuers just until I'm fully healed and mentally stable again
Tommy- thank you *he pauses* now let's get to history before Mr Bass actually kills us *he laughs*
Jess- sounds like a plan

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat