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Jess's PoV
It's been a few weeks since the twins have been born Max and I named them Safire and Luca... I mean you can guess who chose our baby boys name. Harvey has been absolutely obsessed with them, taking them on play dates with Grayson and spoiling them rotten even though we told him not to as he needs to also spoil Grayson as well. Guy is finally out of the picture and has been put on 24 hour watch in a heavily guarded insane asylum so we are all indeed safe. Kimber and Jack have supported me through absolutely everything and not once have they turned their backs on Max and I. We're moving out soon and getting our own place so that we all have our own space and Max has gotten a job I'm going to wait until the twins have started school until I start looking for a job. My life is finally back to normal and I have 2 beautiful babies that have come out of all the mess and destruction that has happened within the past years... I'm finally happy.

Max- hey baby what are you thinking about?
Jess- just how far we have all come and how grateful I am to have you, Safire, Luca and the gang
Max- well we have many blessings to count and be thankful for but we deserve this after everything we have put up with from other people and all the trauma we have sustained
Jess- *smiles* now how about we focus on ourselves while the babies are asleep *she bites her lip*
Max- ooo okay *he smirks while rolling on her*
Jess- and Max cover it no more babies are popping out of me anytime soon *she laughs*
~The End~

Bad boys can turn good (A max and Harvey fan fiction) Where stories live. Discover now